You mean to say that the profit motive has not served to protect the rights of individuals who have no financial input to the system? Strange, that.

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Richard Linklater’s really got his work cut out for him this time.

(Go see <a href="http:\/\/movies.nytimes.com\/2012\/04\/27\/movies\/bernie-with-jack-black-and-shirley-maclaine.html" target="_blank"> <i>Bernie</i></a> if it's playing in your town. Texas crazy, Texas charm, Texas murder ... and Jack Black - in what's got to be his best role evah - with a genuine East Texas Greek Chorus.)

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He's going to really miss his prison life, eventually.

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You, um, waterboarded yourself. Side-effects may include strange confessions. Do not think of Dick Cheney as this may cause an unusual rise in blood pressure. Seek medical help if you have unblinking eyes lasting over four hours.

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I need to stay away from Pina Coladas and extra cheese pizzas for a similar reason. Long story...long, horrible, ghastly story.

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As I understand it, rapists are in it for the power. Unless Father McRapeytime can beat the shit out of and rape the first muscled skinhead he sees, he's in for a rough time.


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I haven't touched coconut rum since college, even though it was really the 5 pints of Guinness in a very short period of time* that were the problem (and <em>very</em> messy), it was the Malibu I topped it all off with that my stomach remembered.

* I've always remembered it as half an hour, but given the Guinness drinking was done in the bar, that's unpossible as there's no way one could possibly be served five times in a half hour at a bar; also I never drank beer that close to that fast before or since. Ah, the stupid things we do when young...

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15 years, 60 years, life... not convinced that there's any differentiation between them, as I somehow doubt he has the tools to survive an American prison under any circumstances, and people who've done what he did have, shall we say, a somewhat worse than median time of it behind bars.

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Where's the death penalty when you really need it? I was going to say "just kidding" but I don't know that I am.

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I don't see your point...please elaborate.

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Not a week goes by where I find more reasons to not trust Christians. If someone I meet proclaims their love of God my first thought it, "I got my eye on you, pal."

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Well, he hasn't been sentenced on the sex charges yet (different county).

Another pair of sentences in the Dallas News article are sublime:

<blockquote>In closing arguments, prosecutors asked for a life sentence for ex-priest John Fiala. Defense attorney Rex Gunter said anything more than 15 years would be a "travesty."</blockquote>

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i too appreciate a nice bedtime story.

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