We are the NRA's favorite testing ground, after all.

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Yes, it will take all of us voting and double-checking for fuckery. This is Flori-duh after all.

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Yes, I believe that also, I have never met anyone who actually voted for him. I worked for Columbia/HCA when he did his frauding. I cant believe anyone would have voted for him after that. And I notice his ads are blaming "Washington" for his failure to have any fix for the water quality issues. (red tide is killing beaches and the local tourist industries.)

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Because "foul up" has never been said before?

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She doesn't do TV news and reads sources from both the left and right. She's backed off on the Soros thing, too, realizing that while he may have contributed, it wasn't enough to make him a Soros-backed person. She didn't love Trump (or anybody) but I guess thought a republican congress with a republican president would do republican things.

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Any Republican ought to be considered this unless proven otherwise.

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On the plus side, Kelly Ward can now return full-time to the exciting world of QAnon research and chasing chemtrails.

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I believe he is a Moms Demand candidate.

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The 'Gollums' are sure a nice looking family and not at all what I had heard ; )

Seriously, the Gillum family are a nice looking young family. I'm saying that he wins barring the well known Florida elections shenanigans, that is.

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yeah methinks she just hides her racist stupid and mean well.

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So an opportunistic con man who will use his office for personal gain

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True Story: There are several- republican controlled, surprise- states that are attempting to make it ill-eagle or at least frowned upon to drive someone else to vote. They claim the drivers coerce those poor old people.No. Really.Stay vigilant.

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Most of the news of the past year has made me shake my head over how infuriated each new wrinkle in our current shitshow would have made El Dad, but this news made me smile, knowing how chuffed he would have been to vote for Gillum, and how hard he would have worked on his campaign.

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Ya know, if Mrs. Minnie can make it to her polling place to vote in a PRIMARY, maybe you can get off your backside and get to your polling place to vote in the General?

Just sayin'.......

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Not racist, not stupid, not mean, but still relies on Fox "News" for what she thinks is information. That's the case for a large fraction of the cult.

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I don't know if the state really wants to compete with Texas for dumbest Congresscretin, but Aridzona's Gub'nor could name "certified ninnyhammer" Kelli Ward to serve out McCain's term. She'd be there through 2020.

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