My folks and their siblings did just that with some of my toxic relatives.Needless to say,they aren't missed at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

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I walked away from my family 3 thanksgivings ago. They were all trumpers including my mother who hates socialists but loves her medicare check. I haven't looked back. I don;t phone them, email them and you know what my life is calmer and I have much less stress

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I loved the FOR REALS BLACKNESS of Harry and Meghan's wedding. When the gospel choir started to sing, I started to cry.

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The best man at my sister's wedding was also the officiant and brother of the groom and he told a HILARIOUS story about my sister that I had never ever heard. It took longer than five minutes but WORTH IT. Also, my niece gave the best maid of honor speech ever and it was loooong and hilarious and she had the wedding band rolling on the floor dying with laughter. It was also very beautiful.

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Horse country? Was there any doubt?

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His non royal skills include military service that he stowed away on because he did not want his comrades to be left in the lurch just because he was high profile.Fucking stand up guy, and lady also, and I wish them all the luck and happiness

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Bullshit reporting by a bullshit paper repeating lies.There is no way that man "worked" on anything.

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Of course the racist pigs who attacked her non-stop are angry that she's walking away from them and their crap. She's supposed to spend her life apologizing for not being white and eating the shit racists throw at her with a smile on her face.

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I enjoyed this quote of hers (about the insufferable Piers) even more:

Stats: Morgan has written precisely two columns on Prince Andrew’s friendship with the convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. He has written so many on Meghan – who, lest we forget, committed the worse-than-paedophilia crime of not inviting Morgan to her wedding – that my browser crashed.

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The Queen Mother has been dead for many years now.

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FUCK those assholes who keep supporting that British Monarche with money that could be better spent on the people who need it most.

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As with those still suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome, Markle’s detractors seem to somehow overlook the fact that, like 44, she is, in fact, half white. As society becomes ever more homogenized, these folks will get increasingly confused as to whom they are supposed to hate, and why...which is likely a good thing.

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"I'm a radical left-wing socialist monarchist" We are obviously using different definitions for some of these words.

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