Cruz’s ancestors felt that burn!#savage! Damn Swalwell!

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I'm curious - what do you think would have happened if we didn't enter WWI? (No, I'm not trying to be argumentative - I've just never run across this idea before and I'd like to explore the consequences.)

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He's mailing it in these days because he expects that his 2nd amendment people and Putin will ride to his rescue. They won't, or if they try, it won't be enough.

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Couldn't they just name it after Camille?

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The UK and France would have defeated The Central Powers 2-3 years later than they did.

Germany’s last big offensive was before the Americans came and was blunted. This was after they shifted soldiers from the East. They were running out of men and resources. ...Btw one of the best TV series about WWI if you can find it is “ANZACS”. It’s about an Australian unit that ties from Gallipoli to Armistice.

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Hot damn, I love me some Don Cornelius!

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Pennsylvania went to Trump in 2016 because black voters in Philly stayed home. 2020 is different. Blacks are energized like they were in 2008. Maybe moreso.

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Gotta do something about the name of that sportsball in that movie too.

I may be off base here, but my sense is that the focus on ridding Amercia of every reminder of racism may be counterproductive. People like Cruz can't come right out and support racism, so he misdirects by arguing about the lesser effects of racism – like school names not adopted from actual traitors. A corollary is that institutions like Princeton may try to focus on an exercise in renaming instead of ripping out racist policy root and branch. Symbols matter, ands Wilson was a straight up bigot, but at some level it's forest/trees.

Or I could be wrong.

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Yes, it's weird that the Republicans want to keep all the statues of Democrats!

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I'm not sure he wants (or wanted) to win; he wanted / wants to campaign. Campaigning means adoring crowds; winning means having to do the job.

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I don't think ppl will forget the bigots and arseholes if we take away their statues and buildings. The ones who venerate them will make sure of it

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Ta, Stephen. Looks like a cartoon villain. Too bad he was real.

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Well there has been some discussion that Germany was preparing to ask for an armistice (or in some other way end the war) about the time the Americans entered. My guess is that the Europeans would have gone on killing each other until 1919 or 1920 when either one side collapsed or their citizens revolted. My point is not that it would have been good if the Germans won. I just think that, had we just stood back and let them kill each other for another year or so, most of the unresolved issues that led to WW2 would have been "solved", for good or bad. Plus the British and French would have been kicked out of their colonies a lot earlier because they would not have had the soldiers to occupy them anymore. And the Versailles Treaty that split up the world between the winners would not have happened as it did. Anyway it is only speculation from a peace monger who thinks all war is stupid. No way to prove it. But considering the way the 20th century ended up there is a good chance that it would have been better.

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He loves adoration. But to him, winning means someone else loses that he then gets to elevate himself over.

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because no African Americans never experienced "I was terrified that we'd be murdered within seconds, our house would be burned down, our pets would be killed. We were all alone facing an angry mob." for real?

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