Maybe the past tense was intentional. You know: 'I chose life. It was, in retrospect, a bad choice.'

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Fuck that asshole.

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Punishment is not about Vengeance in a civilized society.

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If Olorin, the Maia of Wisdom, isn't a philo of sophos, who is?

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I used to support the death penalty for certain crimes, until I learned what a piss-poor job our "justice" systems do in determining who is and is not guilty.

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Or else the Empire of Japan was a noble institution, for look at how many of its men deliberately died for it.

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Ta, Robyn. Forced birthers are anti-life.

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They (the terrorists) were principled. They were willing to die for what they believed in.

You know, the important part.

They are being very honest about who they are nowadays, don't now if that's a good or bad thing.

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Yes. Conception to birth. After that, you're on your own, kid.

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One of the best

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Yep. But they KNOW Scott Roeder pulled the trigger.

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I'm guessing, not a state school?

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The quake was 7.8 on the Richter scale, which is nuts. The (almost immediate) aftershock was 7.5. Those poor people.

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willing to die for what you believe in?https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Dude, at least it's an ethos.

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Was in Europe for training on a software package and the local guy ordered a pitcher of Budweiser. I thought, "He's ordering this crap beer because he thinks that as Americans we'll like it." Wrong.

What came was a pitcher of one of the best beers I'd ever had, from the original Budweiser brewery in Czechoslovakia. He said that when the Iron Curtain had fallen that Anhouser-Busch found that there was a company selling Budweiser beer in Europe and sued for trademark infringement. They were told essentially, "We've been using this name for 700 years, go fuck off."

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