I thought that name sounded familiar. Now it all makes sense.

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Aramark workers served prisoners rat-contaminated cakes.

I'll have a slice without so much rat in it, please.

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Since when do we feed prisoners?

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Didn't Marie Antoinette think of this first?

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I'll have your rat shit. I love it. I'm having rat shit, rat shit, rat shit, rat shit, rat shit, baked beans, rat shit, rat shit and rat shit.

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You will note in the comments on the linked to sites (because people there are ALLOWED to comment - when Wonkette, when?) some people thinking that the prisoners should be fed shit. Literally if possible. After all, are they not scum?

The thing is at some point you release most prisoners. If they have been treated like animals they learn to act like animals. I don't know about the US, but in the UK sometimes prison is the first safe and decent place (that is a requirement of UK prisons - safe and decent) a young man has lived. A probation officer said she had an interview with one of her's- the Wing hard man - who broke down and said "I just want Officer [name] to like me." This officer is strict, boundaried but fair - very respected among colleagues: the Con wanted to be able to look him in the eye: the first realisation respect is earned by actions, not beaten out of the victim.

Too many want all stick and no carrot. "If they kick back put them in solitary for the rest of their sentence." Yes, those who break the rules need to be punished, but there needs to be proportionality, and rewards for good behaviour. Solitary confinement for long periods causes psychosis: the US is literally making prisoners more criminal by destroying their minds.

If you beat a dog you get a wolf.

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Aramark is also the largest provider of food services on college campuses - given that they're also mostly outsourced now. Makes me wonder if prisoners or college students are more profitable for these people..

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. . . and their cedar cheese is made with cheap fir plywood!

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While I like your comment, I am confused. You are commenting, so why do you suggest Wonkette won't allow comments?

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This is the same Aramark that does the National Parks in Virginia I bet. No more eating at Big Meadows lodge for us. Gross...I knew that was bear fur in my blackberry pancakes.

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Democracy works great, unless you can't vote.

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Was it prisoners who imposed $472,000 in fines on Aramark? Moron.

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Shhh - Hussar just thinks he's commenting.....

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I'd say it's time to start throwing food at Conservatives, but who can afford that with the prices at Whole Foods?


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In Russia, Seafood Surprise eats you.

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