"[T]hat wall now stands to repel any invaders who don't notice it's just a half-mile long."

Form over function: perfect memorial for for a president who's all form and no function.

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If I were more skilled at creating memes, I'd make one with a picture of Spock, using a modified Inigo Montoya quote: "Logic. You keep using that word...."

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the butterfly center was home to a "rampant sex trade."

Everybody knows what whores all those butterflies are.

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Pfft, "experts", like any Trumper would ever listen to their estimates for anything.

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For a long-time con that might be a factor, but I think in this case it's just a "collect all the money and skip town" kind of deal.

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As a structural engineer who has built lots of things on river banks and shitty soil, I'm just gonna sit over here and laugh and laugh and laugh. And 8' wide shallow foundation? Bwhahahahahahahah! Fucking idiots. Mother fucking idiots. As long as no one gets hurt when it collapses, I'm just gonna enjoy the professional schadenfreude.

Oh, and as someone who did do engineering work for the government, they can fuck right off with "the best engineers in the world" vs. "government employees". My design saved a ton of lives during Hurricane Ivan, assholes. Ok, back to laughing at morons.

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The more butterfly sex the better!

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I'm not an engineer or a contractor but I do know what happens when you build in the floodplain of a river. It all gets washed away, sooner than later usually. Intelligent people know that's why you don't build on a riverbank in a floodplain. Building this thing right next to the river is criminal level stupidity.

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That’s cause it wasn’t his money

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Did you see how it's an 8 ft width spread footing with only a 2 ft deep bit in the middle? It's bananas. The documentation that ProPublica had me look at was just heinous.

Didja see that bit? That was a hoot.

(I'm the gal quoted in the article.)

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His name is Gregory Gentsch, he is not licensed in Texas, he is licensed in Arizona, and I highly recommend reporting him to the PE Boards in both Texas and Arizona, as I did recently.

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Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!

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OMG. No, I missed that the 2' bit was... what? A key? JFC. Wow. I gotta go read the full article. Wish I could have seen that documentation.... < longing nerd sigh > I LOVE bleeding red all over idiot's drawings. Even if the idiots in this case would never see or care, I would delight in some vicious red-penning. (Normally I am a very nice person and a patient teacher, I SWEAR. Except for idiots.)

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