Thought I'd add some tits to the boobies.

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Shoo, troll.

And Mommy should have told you this, but boys can't get preggers... and your dress and hair flower aren't fooling anyone.

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Anti-choice terrorists are just the beginning. This technology could very easily be repurposed for worse by more cynical criminals.

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Honestly, I'm never sure if its on or off. I got the Greenify app, which supposedly turns off all apps not in use, but I have trouble navigating the phone innards.

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Sometimes I'm glad we don't have much in the way of coverage where I live.

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[gif of little girl saying, "Why not both?"]

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Pretty boring, actually.

Or so sez a friend of mind who read it.

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They couldn't comprehend it.

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HEY, show some respeck and spell it right - it's "bibul".

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Major Motoko Kusanagi (草薙 素子 Kusanagi Motoko?) is a character in the Ghost in the Shell anime and manga series. She is a "full-body prosthesis" augmented-cybernetic human employed as the field commander of Public Security Section 9, a fictional law-enforcement division of the real Japanese National Public Safety Commission. Being strong-willed, physically powerful, and highly intellectual, she is well known for her skills in deduction and hacking.

PS - I thank my kid for introducing me to anime. I think.

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Now just turning off location services is enough to break this shit up. It stopz your phone from providing that info to the apps. The apps will ask your permission to turning It back on (It is very anoying but It feel good knowing that It am fucking the corperate overords every time It click now. That one action stops your phone from providing the locatoon data to all apps. So turn 8t off unless you need it for a given moment and take joy in flying your middle finger high at the add bastards. It really is the only wqy to live and not be tracked.

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Watch all the way through ARISE: the Major is a full body prosthesis because her mother died while she was in the womb and her consciousness (Ghost) was boosted into a shell before she was even born. Which is the coolest, and you will not persuade me otherwise.

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With upmost respect, you are also not entitled to speaking for all abortion-havers, either. I am female and have had an abortion. And while it wasn't traumatic for me emotionally, physically, it was pretty bad. So, YMMV is about all that can be said.

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You will be happy to know they're still around. But the phone companies would really rather you bought an iPhone or Galaxy so they take some looking-for.

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One summer's end, some friends and I gathered for a beach bonfire. We weren't alone: the beach had several bonfire pits, all in use. As one of my friends stealthily pulled out a bottle, took a swig, and passed it on, the people next to us began to sing "Our God is an Awesome God", very off key.

At some point, someone (I don't recall who) looked down, noticed the drink was Southern Comfort, and broke into the inevitable song. We all joined in, much louder than the Jeebus-heads next door: "Oh, Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes-Benz?..."

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That's what I mean. I iz handy poneh, but I cannot find a hat that fits my melon-like head.

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