Can't, won't watch the video. I did read the description though and it proves what we have known all along: God is a dick.

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This makes me feel pukey, but that's at least partly attributable to a mild hangover. That it exists is an atrocity, but slightly redeemed by the appearance that they're doing a horrible job of making the attempted point.

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Occasionally even a blind squirrel finds a nut.

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Wait a minute, are you fuckin' kidding me? Is this for serious? Huh?

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And that baby's name was . . . Matt Drudge!!

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Shouldn't they also be forced to get married? That'd <i>really</i> be purgatory.

Of course, then it would be "The Wife Zone"

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downfisty has been aborted by the wonketteery;.

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wooden acting. heavy handed script. cliched concept. horrific execution.

ladies and gentlemen, i give you the republican party 2011.

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So, you've seen the Bristol Palin birth video?

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