Or in this case, in home-away-from-home, the local penitentiary.

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Scalia is also a "people have the right to speech which is repugnant and downright hateful" kind of guy, even for people he finds repugnant and hateful. It'll be doubly easy for him to recognize the free speech rights of someone he already agrees with on most accounts.

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I think Roeder has demonstrated a comparatively poor capacity to accept facts to this point. One more isn't likely to turn the corner for him.

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He's a victim-bully, not a bully-victim.

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Every Death is Sacred.

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i would kiss you for that comment were you anywhere in my vicinity.

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And weirdly enough, threats of violence are not protected speech; they are a criminal offense.

I know! Crazy stuff! You can't explain it!

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That way we won't have to fight them 'over there'.

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Funny thing - you go to prison for a cold-blooded execution, you have to accept the fact that some of your rights are curtailed because you have demonstrated you are not capable of functioning in civilized society. One of those is that you can't conspire to commit more murders.

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<i>“Even a well-meaning dog will bite at some point in time if you keep antagonizing it,” Gietzen said. </i>

Rumor has it there's a dog around here that will skullfuck you.

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So let's get this right: Scott Roeder believes is that murder of one individual is perfectly justifiable, if you can save MORE lives in the process -- even if these are just potential lives.

Shouldn't some "pro-life" person be murdering Scott Roeder now? You know, now that he spoke about potentially murdering yet another person?

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The kid in the picture is pointing to Exception 12, subsection C, to the Thou Shalt Not Kill commandment, where it is ok to kill some people because of course you can, just don't put your peen in another man's butt while doing it. That is FORBIDDEN.

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