Today just seems to be the day where my reaction to everything is "FUCK!!"

This asshole and his story is no exception.

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Mormons are against any sort of government aid because they want to have a monopoly on assistance to the needy, since it forces people to be dependent on the church. Same dealio with other religious providers of charity. They consider the government competition for customers.

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Shorter Lee: "It's just black folks in Flint, right?"....

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I'm thinking we're getting redundant...


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It's just like if everyone in Flint were a Skittle.

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They don't care. It's just an excuse. He doesn't care about the money, no Republican cares about the money. It's about punishing the blacks for having the nerve to have their own city and not vote Republican. It's about controlling people and communities and watchdog organizations by making them go broke fixing the problem the Republicans cause.

They don't actually care, they just know they can gin up support by saying the words.

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Some lawyer could go hungry not pursuing class action suits. Won't someone think of the professionals??!!

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Well, Mormons only started recognizing blacks as human in 1978 - hasn't really taken hold yet...

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If Texass secedes can we toss in Utah?

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once they are born he says FUCK THE BABIES!

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Well, when it is "culture of life" vs "provide tax $$$ to those people", something has to give. I mean, this "life" stuff is great and all, but we're talkin' about taking money from rich people to provide for the commonwealth and that sounds like communism to me.

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I'm not surprised, he knows that lead induced brain damage makes it easier to convert them to Mormon.

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Hey, move on up to Park City.

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As a Californian living in the Sierra Foothills, I feel guilty drinking our clean, cool water from the clear rivers of the Sierra Nevada.

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Someone gave me a pet rock once and it only grew because my water wasn't poisoned.

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Well, unless you get declared brain dead and then can be used as a political prop.

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