I didn't realize that McConnell's pronouncements were seasonal.

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I used to work across the street from the DMV in Walnut Creek and a couple of times a month the cops would come roaring up through the parking lot and haul off someone with an outstanding warrant.

Crime isn't a first choice for a lot of folks. Back before Prop. 13 killed it, the SF Community Colleges taught city jail prisoners how to read. A high number never returned. Reading isn't fundamental to crime (although it helps to be able to count).

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Rookie mistake. Take a lesson from some veterans:

<i>Transmit the message, to the receiver Hope for an answer some day I got three passports, a couple of visas You don't even know my real name</i>

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The Presidents or the middle managers?

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Sounds like she was upset that they interrupted something. I know I would be.

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A toothbrush? Maybe.

Soap-on-a-rope? Probably.

A bag of weed? Not so much.

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