Bolton told Newt the obvious solution was to bomb Iran.

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Him and Sarah. They're sort of fun to watch and it's so cute when they think they're being taken seriously.

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The Repubican secret wish is that the Muslim Brotherhood has a prominent role in post-Mubarak Egypt. Then the 'Pubes can campaign about how secret-Muslim Obama let Egypt fall into the Caliphate. I'm pretty sure Halliburton is preparing those "Citizens United" ads already.

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Let's see. If Newt were President, would he wait for Mubarak to have cancer before dumping him?

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Okay...the Republican frontrunners are now apparently Mitt Romney (a professional hypocrite), Newt Gingrich (a professional asshole), and Sarah Palin (a professional moron)....let that sink in for a minute.

Do they even WANT to win? Has there EVER been a worse crop of Republican candidates?

Gingrich just has this thick history of saying and doing all these outlandishly mean things about every topic, ever. Palin is an incoherent mess who cannot organize a sentence, let alone a winning presidential run. Romney's claim to fame is being the flip-flopping governor of a state that hates him, and before that a CEO who fired people for a living.

The only thing the Republicans have going for them is that talk radio and Fox News do such a good job brainwashing the nation's most likely of likely voters: middle-aged, middle class white people and the elderly.

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