corporeal punishment is essentially an adult bullying a child. Why else would you lose control and beat the crap out of a smaller human without power

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Gregory Peck played the president and the actor from CSI (William Petersen) played the dad

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It all goes back to slavery, America's original sin.

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Those NOLA guys, huh? Whatcha gonna do with 'em? LOL Not that it has anything to do with anything, but I've lived for almost all of my adult life about four blocks from the "Colored Waifs' Home" (obviously not called that now) in which Pops spent a small part of his childhood and probably first picked up the cornet.

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Not necessarily - think Beto yelling at the press conference. People on the right side can lose their shit, scream and cry, and generally make a scene when they're angered or upset.

The difference is that, when you ask people on the right side why they're angry or upset, they can give a sensible answer. Kids are being murdered. The planet's dying. Democracy is being replaced with authoritarianism and fundamentalist Christian theocracy.

And while they may be personally affected, often they aren't. Beto isn't going to get shot in a school. Not every pro-choice protester can get pregnant. Not every BLM marcher was black. People on the right side of history care about how the problems affect other people.

People on the wrong side talk about how they'll be affected. And demand others make huge sacrifices, or continue to quietly suffer massive injustice, so that they don't have to make relatively small concessions.

They demand everyone live in constant fear of gun violence, to save them giving up their security blankets.

They demand LGBTQIA people be forced to live in shame, secrecy and fear, to save them from a minor adjustment in their worldview.

They demand BIPOC people continue to suffer massive systemic disadvantage and injustice, to save them from diminished white privilege.

They demand pregnant people die from unsafe abortions, to save them having to acknowledge that women and AFAB people have rights.

They demand Jews be scapegoats for all their country's problems, to save them the painful task of actually examining those problems.

THAT'S how you spot people on the wrong side of history. They want ALL the goodies, and demand other people pay for them.

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New rule. If you put a former footballer with apparent CTE up for election BECAUSE he's a former footballer with big name recognition; you don't get to tell anyone else to "Shut up and dribble".

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We just had a Federal election in Australia, where emerged "Teal Independents".

What? Well, there's been widespread dissatisfaction with both major parties, especially over non - action on climate change. There's been a slew of small parties and independents, but without the money and logistics of a party machine behind them, most went nowhere.

Enter rich person Simon Holmes a Court and his Climate 200 organisation. It selects independent candidates who prioritise climate change, accountability in government and gender equality in their platform, and offers them the same kind of support as a party machine.

Professional campaign managers. Six figure advertising budgets. Travel costs. Office staff. Volunteers. Holmes a Court refers to it as "levelling the field".

There were 22 Teal candidates, all women, targeting seats held by Liberal (the Right wing climate deniers party) men. And those men were PISSED. Lots of angry speeches basically saying these WOMEN had no right to be challenging their entrenched power, get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich, bitches.

Almost half the Teals were elected. The Liberals were SLAUGHTERED. They faced swings if over 10% against them. They lost the guy being groomed as the next party leader. They lost a full third of the seats they'd held in government.

So we've now got the centre-right Labor party in government (they're supposed to be the Left party, but that's what shifting the Overton Window will do for you). Their policies are a LOT better than the former RWNJ, and they've been given some SERIOUS notice. Nothing to stop the Teals coming after THEM at the next election if they don't deliver.

People wanted better than the same-old they were being offered by the majors. By funding Independents, a rich man gave them the better candidates they wanted, and it caused what most experts regard as a seismic shift in Australian politics. There's now an energy of freshness and hope I haven't felt for years.

Anyone got George Soros's number?https://www.google.com/amp/...

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I remember when Nascar put the kibosh on the NRA. I thought that would be a sea change. I also was naive enough to think that the most terrifying thing that could happen was an angry Cliff showing up with his deer rifle.

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I know everyone in my city who has a gun and what it is. It is on a city gun registry. I shouldn't say city, a 4 mile square small suburb. Not even a town, but a township..

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Man, for a jazz trumpet guy like me that's sacred ground! We ALL came from Pops!

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If Marco Rubio is sad, I have some advice for him, but saying it here would get me banned.

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I'd heard the term but didn't quite grasp the full story. THAT's the kind of action we need to see more of! (breath not held, however)

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Yeah, wait, how is the NRA hosting conventions? Aren't they bankrupt? The stories about all of the lawsuits and self-dealing and fraud just kinda stopped (or at least I haven't seen them).

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I also think it's because overall these are for-profit corporations, and they go where the money and the market is—and it ain't the GOP base anymore. They are seriously losing the "culture war" which is why they spend all of their time and energy on bullshit issues like Mickey Mouse. They and their base aren't the "default" market anymore, and they hate it.

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Nothing elected Republicans want for America is what Americans want for America, despite how deafening the GOP's bigoted white nationalist crybaby base is, amplified as it is by Fox News and the rest of the rightwing media.


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