That is really evil (says the former TA, marking assistant, and business writing instructor).

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Thanks for this article and the discussion of what is happening and why.

One thing our side doesn't do well (not that any side does it well) is differentiate between that which is emotionally satisfying and what is the right course either because of principles or ramifications. Most of us would be happy to see this jerk gone I bet, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's the course we should demand.

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I read "Feral Reichsdoll" for a second. That may be vaguely accurate.

I blame a sinus infection.

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I'm guessing she got tired of putting in a full day and then coming home to his complaining ass while he sat there, not interacting with his kid, demanding his dinner, and criticizing the cleanliness of the house.

I imagine the translation of "chose to be a housewife" is "became too exhausted to continue working and caved in to his bitching."

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These are fair points also too.

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Bullying him back isn't going to make him stand down, it's just going to allow him to play victim. The better course is to not take his classes and to make sure that others who might inadvertently sign up for a class he teaches are aware of his views.

Starving him of oxygen, I think, is a much better course of action than feeding him fuel.

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I wonder if applicant demographics have changed this year from last year. Also, any change in the number of applicants.

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This kind of stress over grading was a major factor in my decision to leave my philosophy teaching career.

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I'm afraid to ask what that means.

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"Dom daddy/little girl"Basically schoolgirl play where the chick calls him "daddy"

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What they care about is short-term profit (even if it ends up destroying the company, as in 2008) and low taxes for themselves.

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The First Amendment must protect free speech, but a college needs to protect its students from a bigoted professor. It sounds as if they've got the balance about right here.

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That reminds me, I need to pick up my intellectual pantsuit from the cleaners....

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What does "MRA" mean in this context?

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Unfortunately I strongly suspect "starving him of oxygen" is going to translate into simply shrinking his workload.

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Speaking as a retired professor. The Kelley School's solutions (until they can catch Rasmussen with illegal behavior in the classroom), does create another injustice, as others have pointed out. Rasmussen remains a tenured professor with all his salary, privileges, and benefits while at the same time teaching fewer students. Meanwhile, other faculty have to pick up the slack. Required courses are usually the general introductory courses that many faculty find tedious to teach. That's why everyone needs to do their share of those courses. But now, not Rasmussen. Grading is often the most time-consuming of teaching tasks, but how can a handwritten essay or research paper be graded blindly? So once again, other people have to pick up the slack while Rasmussen continues to pull his salary. In short, the current solution must be very short-term because I don't think it is possible to lower Rasmussen's salary on the basis of work that is being denied to him but which he should be doing. I can't see how Rasmussen's isolation is sustainable.

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