Given his neanderthal attitudes, I don't want to see his idea of child-"rearing".

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and yet and yet george clooney still manages to be a fembot loving liberal.

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These guys sound kind of kinky. And not in a good way.

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I thought they were military field rations.

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A very, very lucky one.

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It's a lot like how "religious freedom" to those who talk loudest about it means "my freedom to remove your religious freedom by imposing my religion on you". Similarly, to MRAs, "we can all do and be what we want" tramples <em>their</em> "right" to force the woman of their choice to be their slave, regardless of her wishes.

Apparently the idea that a relationship can be vastly more fulfilling if both partners are in it because they want to be, and if both partners have rich lives they share with each other, simply does not occur to these knuckledraggers.

Or alternatively, it could be that they are subconsciously aware of just how repugnant they are, and realize that if a woman has to choose them too, they'll live and die alone.

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MGTOW: One hopes that's out the front door.

Don't let it hit ya where the Good Lord split ya.

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