Yeah, you know you're nothing but a peasant if Trump doesn't consider you his mortal enemy because you said the naughties about him. I hate that!

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Kids will do that. I remember when I lent my copy of "To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar," to one of my friends, her kids and my kid spent all afternoon racing through the house shrieking, "I wanna be a drag queen! I wanna be a drag queen!"

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Pravda or Izvestia.

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Or in the humor thing...

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Here's hoping that Donald's presidential ambitions are exactly as successful as Linda's attempts to become a senator.

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THANK YOU EVAN! Finally someone who agrees with me 100% about the Times. Practically all my friends just look at me blankly & 'but it's the Times' when I go on this rant, the way Catholics used to look puzzled & say 'but he's the Pope'

I only really know two or three topics in any depth, and every time they cover them they get the facts wrong & their interpretation even wronger. And yes, clearly MoDo has blackmail material on Andrew Rosenthal, it's the only possibility.

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They promote the horse race aspect because if he loses, they've made money on ads, and if he wins, they can retire to their homes in the south of France or wherever.

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I found Vineland boring and dense. The masterpiece is Gravity's Rainbow. It's a hard read, but once you're hooked it's the great American novel.

But start out with The Crying of Lot 49 or "V" which are both really good and a bit easier.

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He has 14 million Twitter followers. That will sweep him to victory.

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Not so much lately. They published his wife's nudie photos the other day. Mostly they're trying to ignore him.

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Pffft, I'm not going to hell.

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Fanta Hitler. Still my favorite.

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The NYT should pivot to the truly big developing story, which is the impending obliteration of the Republican party. And take every opportunity to point to the behavior the Drumpfenführer as the reason for it. Every time he opens his mouth to whine about it, it's another example to hold up to the public . . . and his pathology will ensure that the cycle never ends.

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If the press took that attitude, you know who'd complain the loudest, right?

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How are they ever going to write good when he has "all the best words"? BTW, aside from the smell of napalm in the morning, nothing will start your day better than re-watching the video of DJT and his devil spawn, all Wharton grads, unable to multiply 6 x 17 for Howard Stern. Mercifully, it appears that his campaign to self-sabotage his campaign is beginning to take hold. Sadly, however, leaving the scene of the crime, he'll spray paint "RIGGED!" on the wall, leading to post-election chaos, from which he will, no doubt, profit handsomely.

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