I'm 100 miles SW of The Villages and when the wind is just right...

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Best (short) TV series ever! R,I.P. Patrick.

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Live by the sword. Sure. But don’t let me die by the sword. (That would invade my privacy.)

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Yes, you're right. It is authoritarian, not communism, but they are also very socialistic given the fees you have to pay for golf course and other maintenance, even if you don't use it. The residents don't seem to get that or mind. If they did, they'd move, like I did. Almost like government services that you pay for with tax dollars, but serves only the residents. But it's their choice to live their gated, entitled lives. The part that bugs me the most are the "spies" running around on their golf carts looking for the wrong types of plants and house colors. It's a wonder they don't pound on your front door to see if your interior is HOA-approved decorated. Glad I don't own a property in a gated community any longer.

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She has no problem spending the dotard's money, another hallmark of the KGB-they get in and rob you blind.

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You can hear the Bacchanalian cries?

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Well, they did have their own STD epidemic, because the Republican swinger guys refused to wear condoms.

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Or many a trophy-wife, because that is their vocation. To each their own.

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It's always projection with them.

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John Simmons' On the Edge of Anarchy is brilliant and actually a page-turner. (Words we do not normally associate with volumes on political philosophy)

Eagleton's Why Marx Was Right is less fun, but just as insightful.

If you really want to dig in, Marx's own Critique of Political Economy is...ponderous, pompous, and pretty far up its own arse, but does a good job of explaining how other political philosophers fell short of understanding how real-world political systems derive from political philosophy.

That's more than enough reading for a primer.

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Thank you kindly.

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Our distinct pleasure (and, assuming you go with the Simmons book first, likely yours as well)

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She's not a Common Poor, so her fraud doesn't count.

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Most trophy wives don't lie constantly.

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Pootie poot? Seriously? Is he any relation to Joe Joe Stalin? As in having the former guy's office?

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There is something in the Bible for everyone. The Book of Revelations is for people that dropped a lot of LSD. The rest of us might better steer clear of Revelations. I like Isiah myself, at least as far as the old testament goes. Jeremiah is runner up but he's too whiny for my taste. Paul has his moments but they are few and far between all the blowhard misogyny and apologetics for slavery. Matthew 25 (or thereabouts) is the center of it for me. Take care of the less fortunate, 'cause one day that will be you. I have a hard time with that since many republicans are so unfortunate...

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