I think so, too. :(

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You live in the US, with the most powerful armed forces in the world. If the army is in your side, getting your own gun is is unnecessary; if the army is against you, it will be useless.

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If memory serves, that’s a Minolta 16mm “spy” camera.

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Since Cannon refused amicus briefs, I suggest someone with that program professors use to find plagiarism run her opinion through it. I guarantee she did not origibate it, but who did?

It might be that there are not drafts/proposals on the Internet to find, but I'll bet a shekel there are.

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I begin to see why Justice didn't object to her order on the grounds that it belonged in the DC court. Although -- if considerations of politic were not serious -- that would seem to be a sure way to void the whole thing.

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I fell asleep last night lisitening to reports about Jan.6. When I woke up, the teevee was emitting sounds of gunfire and I thought, "Damn, the Oathkeepers have taken over and are executing all us libs.'

But it was only men in silly hats celebrating that the queen was dead.

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I thought their ploy was to fore trump to say in court whether the documents are classified or declassified. I still think that's where his lawyers should be wearing Depends, because at some point they are going to have to answer that.

It will be like a Utah choice: electrocution or firing squad?

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Uncle Clarence should watch his high cholesterol (and his inclination for fat white women). Drag it out for as long as they want. Won't change the facts nor reality.

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On 8/16, he was talking to the news about going to Scotland to visit his golf courses there. If he didn't, I wonder why.

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At this point it is clear that Trump is guilty and everyone knows it. His ONLY strategy is to drag things out as long as possible until the inevitable conclusion where the next GOP president pardons him. They're just fighting to reduce or eliminate the amount of time Trump will have to golf at Mar A Lago with an ankle monitor.

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impeach them all

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Talk about delusional.....

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Better than frickin' laser beams on their heads....

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They drag it out until the next Republican president. Then neither facts nor reality would matter.

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In retrospect, DOJ should have filed a Motion to Transfer Venue the minute they were served with TFG’s initial filing before Judge Cannon. While it now seems naïve that they didn’t, I honestly don’t think they were expecting that she would issue such a bonkers and legally-unsound order. I certainly didn’t, and IAAL. And yes, I know she was a TFG appointee, but plenty of them have ruled against him in other matters.

She’s really just that stupid and partisan, as it turns out. And, having already submitted to her jurisdiction, it would be problematic to try and change course now.

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We’ll find out soon enough. Obviously, after I posted my non-comment, the crackpot TFG legal team did indeed insist the SM should review classified docs, for (really stupid) reasons.

I guess I forgot for a second that any lawyer who willingly takes on TFG as a client is a dumbass, who is going to be bullied into doing whatever TFG wants, even if it’s the stupidest option available.

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