Praying that the taste of the Koch's asses on his lips won't linger too long.

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Pitch forks and guillotine are in order!

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Traitorous scum, the both of 'em...

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B-b-b-b-but, how will Wyatt support himself with his only income being his FUCKING UGLY SHIRT business?https://media1.fdncms.com/s...

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Resting douche face.

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Wow, why didn't somebody think of this before?

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I was told you never go ass to mouth.

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Mark Fiore: Assaulting Austerity.


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He started it back in 2010, when he and MeteorBlades were letting various purity ponies (slinkerwink for one) get away with things that got anyone else banned. That was when the first diaspora took place, as a lot of pragmatic liberals decided to pack up and leave. There's quite a number of prominent and well-known progressives these days who are former Kossacs.

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It was almost funny watching the Wells Fargo banker squirm when my brother and I stopped in with the death certificate to remove my sister-in-law from their accounts. "Tell me," I asked, "how could a woman who was illiterate, who could only sign her first name, had no income, and had no property, qualify for a platinum debit card AND a separate platinum credit card, in just her name?"

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i'm pretty sure wyatt will be fine.

lil taker.

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Anybody else struck with a mental image of Dr. Evil kissing his pinky saying: "One HALF million dollars!"?

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Helpless clueless addicts.

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i've been boycotting vanity fair and northern since 2013.

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It was good and bad for anyone really. It seems like the civil war of 2016 was fought there. I had no interest in sacrificing the country to Trump just because I’m a left of Star Trek wingnut. This obviously made me a sell out to the Bernie crowd. Most of them probably couldn’t name one tenet of actual socialism. The Hillary crowd wasn’t willing to take any comment short of pledging my allegiance to our lord and savior of progressivism. Then Kos proclaimed that all who thought Bernie still had a chance(at that point he actually did, wasn’t gonna happen but it was possible), were delusional. I figured Kos wasn’t a part of my reality or vice versa, so I left there. Haven’t seen the comments since early 2016.

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Will these contributions induce Paulie not to retire? Maybe Team Paulie should be re-branded Team Quitter.

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