MAGAts are just praying that Jacob has a marijuana charge in his past.

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Are you saying that an innocent man, who legally owns a gun, can't get said gun out of his car to hold while dealing with the cops? What are the cops afraid of? The Second Amendment?

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thank you, I didn't know that.

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Reminds me of memes I kept seeing from dumbass RWNJs showing empty store shelves months back talking about it's a preview of socialism or some such bullshit. I'm just like, y'all do realize it's happening right the fuck now...right?

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they are fascists and always have been

brutalizing those deemed as "less than" is all they care about, really

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At close range, other damage is also inflicted, even if you have no stray shrapnel or tumbling. Depending on where in the back, too, would mean how much risk to vital organs that get perforated. Of course, paralysis is a major concern with the spine and nervous system, but a collapse can also cause potential concern.

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People are tying up their dispatch reporting having viewed an attempted murder on social media. Following their police on twitter is entertaining.

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Why does it take 30 days to investigate what we see with our own eyes. What justifies shooting an unarmed man in front of his children. Why is "administrative leave" for use of force PAID. Make it unpaid for 30 days (during "review", and see how many of these fuckers pop off on black citizens,

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He is reportedly currently experiencing paralysis from the waist down.

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At close range, other damage is also inflicted

By example, by the escaping hot gases from the burning powder?

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It's not a great metaphor, but sticking with it, can we limit all of these motherfuckers to one bullet that they have to keep in their shirt pocket?

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Exactly, stippling around the wound.

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By the same woman who painted Michelle's famous portrait for the National Portrait Gallery.

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This video will be shown on the news all over the world. That's what this country has become.

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He's still fighting for his life as of this morning. But yes, charge those cops.

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