Umm...guess what...

Ace of Base, supposed Nazi band

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After all, Pinochet did nothing wrong - isn't that what they're always saying?

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That was... beautiful... *sniff*

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Canada is a big country (bigger than the US, with many of our provinces bigger than Texas, just sayin') with a LOT of different regional accents.

That "Canadian" accent people like to make fun of ("they say 'aboot' hrrrhrrr") is really only prominent in rural Ontario, to the best of my knowledge. You don't hear it where I live. Google "Canadian Raising" if you're interested in learning about something outside of your own borders.

To quote Letterkenny, figure it out.

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Dick Buttons is such a great name....

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Our government can't do something like that to our homegrown Proud Boys because...why again?

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Two reasons off the top of my head:The "base."No balls.

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NO!! don't sully pansies!!

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Not being Canadian, I'd never heard of that show. I just looked it up and it looks cute. Maybe I'll see it someday, if I ever get around to replacing my cable with streaming.

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"Tight Whities."

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Probably because while a number of them certainly are terrorists, the group itself is not a terrorist group. It's goals and values are pure white supremacist and misogynist filth, but that doesn't inherently equal terrorism, going by the way most of us understand terrorism to be. We know where most LEO's sympathies lie. If the FBI can be coerced into labeling the Proud Boys organisation itself a terrorist group, that means it will be far easier for them to do the same with the mythical antifa, and other left-ish boogey monsters. Right now, the FBI is engaged in the largest investigation it's ever carried out, due to the Jan 6 insurrection. When they uncover scary shit, I've no doubt others will be labelled terrorists. But labeling is not the priority.

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I think Evan mentioned it once here on Wonkette? Otherwise I wouldn't know it. It's on Hulu.

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Pinochet did nothing wrong. WHAT can have given somebody the idea to think, or say this, or 'pen' it or make this T-shirt and put it on? What? Loyalty to what and admiration of what???

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"Anyone walking around in Fred Perry polos and ProudBoys gear are simply posers to our organization."

So, this is probably a little joke and means that the proud bois will continue to walk around in their gear, but it could confuse the less astute among them. they may take the comment seriously and therefore start beating up on the "posers." That would be funny.

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Maybe French is their main language?

Aucune chance!

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