I was at jury selection for a domestic abuse case when at the voir dire a potential juror said she’d known the defendant in high school and “he wasn’t a very good guy” back then. Mistrial. We all had to go back to work.
Yeah, American jurisprudence has very little to do with finding the truth and a lot to do with winning and losing. The prosecutor wins if there is a conviction and the defense wins if there is an acquittal regardless of the guilt or innocence of the defendant.
Certain parts of the Bronx are close enough to White Plains that the defense might ask for the trial to be held in White Plains it’s also better for their jury pool options.
Then there was the mom whose reaction to her local politicians saying it would “only kill a small number of children“ was “I only *have* a small number of children”.
I've been a juror for two criminal trials. The second was for murder, when the woman, who was driving the vehicle, became angry at the man and pulled over into a convenience store parking lot to kick him out. Unfortunately, he knew she had a loaded gun in her purse and he shot her in the back of the head, pushed her body out and then ran over her when leaving the scene. We voted to convict.
This very morning, I had get to a medical appointment and could not avoid a school zone.
Of course, many kids were present and jaywalking. I admit I did this myself when I was young and dumb. And, in their further defense, the corner was blocked by construction equipment.
(Aside: Couldn't the authorities have stopped the damn earth mover for a half hour?)
Anyhow, amid this chaos, a group of girls went tearing across the road and one of them slipped and fell, bam, flat on her face.
Fortunately all the drivers ahead of me were driving verrrrrry slowly, even though it was well before the official school zone, and nobody hit her. She managed to get back on her feet and rejoined her friends. But it was still terrifying to see and I'm glad I didn't witness a tragedy or, worse yet, had been part of a tragedy.
Or course, the crossing guard took her time getting the situation back under control. When I was finally able to make a right turn, she waved and I waved back.
So who do I respect more? That crossing guard or Kevin McCarthy? Easy choice.
I was at jury selection for a domestic abuse case when at the voir dire a potential juror said she’d known the defendant in high school and “he wasn’t a very good guy” back then. Mistrial. We all had to go back to work.
Yeah, American jurisprudence has very little to do with finding the truth and a lot to do with winning and losing. The prosecutor wins if there is a conviction and the defense wins if there is an acquittal regardless of the guilt or innocence of the defendant.
Clearly, he's not too bright.
Dr. Oz enters PA but doesn't know where he is...
That was great!
Wait a minute - I get the Staten Island part, but White Plains?That is in Westchester, outsie the NYC limits.Hoiw they do that?
Do they require that?
Well, he did lose to George Santos.To the people who did know, Robert Zimmerman was the Dem that Santos beat.
Billy Batson? Why did you not just say SHAZAM!
Certain parts of the Bronx are close enough to White Plains that the defense might ask for the trial to be held in White Plains it’s also better for their jury pool options.
What color are they?
Then there was the mom whose reaction to her local politicians saying it would “only kill a small number of children“ was “I only *have* a small number of children”.
I've been a juror for two criminal trials. The second was for murder, when the woman, who was driving the vehicle, became angry at the man and pulled over into a convenience store parking lot to kick him out. Unfortunately, he knew she had a loaded gun in her purse and he shot her in the back of the head, pushed her body out and then ran over her when leaving the scene. We voted to convict.
Of course, one has to survive covid to get natural immunity and natural immunity doesn't last forever.
This very morning, I had get to a medical appointment and could not avoid a school zone.
Of course, many kids were present and jaywalking. I admit I did this myself when I was young and dumb. And, in their further defense, the corner was blocked by construction equipment.
(Aside: Couldn't the authorities have stopped the damn earth mover for a half hour?)
Anyhow, amid this chaos, a group of girls went tearing across the road and one of them slipped and fell, bam, flat on her face.
Fortunately all the drivers ahead of me were driving verrrrrry slowly, even though it was well before the official school zone, and nobody hit her. She managed to get back on her feet and rejoined her friends. But it was still terrifying to see and I'm glad I didn't witness a tragedy or, worse yet, had been part of a tragedy.
Or course, the crossing guard took her time getting the situation back under control. When I was finally able to make a right turn, she waved and I waved back.
So who do I respect more? That crossing guard or Kevin McCarthy? Easy choice.