I'm with you--zero is part of the spectrum. That's why I just think of people being on a different part of the spectrum than I am. Soooo colorful, this world! :)

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It's up to the "good" White people to stop them from doing it, then


They’re doing it because they believe in a hierarchical social order where people who look like them are "at the top", and those "at the top" have the presumed "right" to determine who lives and who dies.

People who believe in egalitarian societies don't behave like that.

So it is the responsibility of people who look like them AND believe there is a more egalitarian way to live to stop them from behaving as they are behaving, since to them everyone else is a target ... and also since BIPOC have been doing their best to stand in the way, but it's mighty hard to serve as shield and defense when you're also a target, but getting no help from the people who claim to believe in the same thing you do but who aren't doing anything active to stop the collective enemy


It's as simple as that, and it's been as simple as that since before 1860.

The reason the United States doesn't have nationalized universal healthcare is because White people didn't want Black people to have it ... and all those withholding White people weren't of or from "the South", either


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For trespassing only, however, unless a superseding amendment has been filed.

No conspiracy to commit kidnapping, no domestic terrorism charges.

Even as they showed up with zip ties to a public school, threatening teachers and administrators.

At which point we need to ask ourselves

"Why so lenient"?



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my native language is German, and I learned English in school. Always liked English because it can do without all the insane grammatical flourishes of German.

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“I’m throwing you off this boat so you’ll learn to swim, the same way my daddy did with me. Out of love.”

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Probably because she fears retaliation from the guys' friends and family.

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Killer Bees!

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That is horrible, and child abuse. I am sorry you were exposed to that terribly, destructive behavior. Kudos to you for escaping.I thought your 'nym was a cactus, now I see it is the rabbit vibrator.

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The Russian and Republican trolls are probably telling them to do that. Same ones pushing Ivermectin.

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I said the same thing, if the thought a POC in Africa was going to benefit, they would go nuts.

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I hope you told him Joe Rogan got Covid because of his stupidity.

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Because online learning, is not the parents pushing indoctrinating bullshit.

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I am constantly fishing rodents out of my pool. The next door neighbor has a bait-box, which makes them crave water and my small pool is the closest source. They chewed holes in my screen to get in there.

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Shit that hit too close — my dad did that same maneuver with me at the Hayward Plunge pool in the Bay Area.

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"Not OK." That's one way to put it! Cool, calm principal.

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A friend has his dad do that to him, and it has always haunted me. Whereas my dad took me to the Y, where nice ladies held me level to the surface while I practiced paddling my arms and legs.

Granted, it’s only a slight difference.

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