It's like those people who start feeding bears on their front porches. For a while everything's fine and the bears are doing what you want. Then one day the inevitable happens, maybe Mr. Bear is in a bad mood, or mistakenly thinks your hand is food. It's just stupidity not to think it won't end well, same as with the Proud Boys.

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You are right. In my dreams we're a center LEFT country who taxes the mega wealthy at appropriate rates, and everyone has a place to live and food to eat. I think the reality is that we fiddled while Rome burned, and I expect this country to go full fascist within the next 2 to 6 years. I HOPE I'm wrong, but we seem to be going from a center right country to a far right country, in a very rapid way. I was NOT expecting to spend my golden years worrying about how I was going to escape the country.

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I agree - I'd be happy just to be left alone. Republican keep shit stirring with the dumbest, angriest, white trash in the country, and then they bemoan the lack of "civility" when their garbage people get violent. They've riled up the rubes for decades, and then they're shocked that they've got an angry pack of rubes on their hands.

I suspect this isn't going to end the way the wealthiest shit stirrers think it's going to end.

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That pretty much describes the majority of Republicans that I know.

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As the New Traitors' Rag?

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Yes, he wasn't particularly subtle, was he?

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They're taking their job of making sure Biden (and dems/liberals more widely) gets blamed for everybody's woes very seriously. For example why aren't they doing stories about "The Demand Crisis" NPR can't go 5 minutes without an inflation story, daily updates on the price of gas. Our economy is demand driven, nearly 2 years of global pandemic built up demand, high gas prices and "supply chain" issues have resulted in companies charging more, a tight labor market has pushed up wages for the first time in decades, however what we aren't seeing is companies going out of business because nobody is buying their doo-dads, or nobody going on vacation because gas is $4 a gallon. In reality the economy is doing great, but the investor class hates it when we worker bees improve our circumstances so we get treated to the laziest journalism in the world. Local news interviews some schlub buying gas while he tells his tale of gas price woe. How fucking lazy. Everybody with a car realizes what gas prices are doing. Maybe a better angle would be to explain that high gas prices may do what chicken-shit politicians won't about global warming? I want to see stories about the Demand Crisis! Rant off.

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We will all be Ukranians soon enough

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Republicans have always had issues with racism. They used to keep it hidden

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No, but the fash will come for everyone else first and the suburban Rs will be all good with that.

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Unfortunately, the same as everywhere, the takeover of the R party is bankrolled by the oligarchs (US and other). Why? Because they are going to get an end to Federal oversight and regulation, even less taxes, and control over even more of the world's resources. As with climate collapse, the horrible effects of installing a racist theocracy- the violence, social breakdown, repression etc, will be largely avoidable for the superyacht/private island/New Zealand bolt-hole crowd. And by the time the shit looks like it might start to affect them, they are figuring Elon will have his Mars colony up and running and they can all go there.

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The Republicans used to have a racism problem. Now they just have racism.

The late Lee Atwater, RIP (Rot in Perdition), explained it all back in 1981: https://www.thenation.com/a...

You start out in 1954 by saying, “N****, n*****, n*****.” By 1968 you can’t say “n*****”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “N*****, n*****”,,,“Th[e] voter, in my judgment,” he claims, “will be more likely to vote his economic interests than he will anything else. And that is the voter that I think through a fairly slow but very steady process, will go Republican.” Because race no longer matters: “In my judgment Karl Marx [is right]… the real issues ultimately will be the economic issues.” He continues, in words that uncannily echo the “47 percent tape” (nothing new under the wingnut sun), that “statistically, as the number of non-producers in the system moves toward fifty percent,” the conservative coalition cannot but expand. Voila: a new Republican majority. Racism won’t have anything to do with it.

This is how the GOP won the class war for the rich, by evangelizing the white trash with a perverted form of socialism, disguising their class warfare against the working class, the working poor and especially the poor, as a 'culture war' against the progressive (socialist-lite) Left, and "evolving" the GOP's white, racist base "beyond" racism.

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The DNC has already decided. I learned that canvassing my hometown for Sen. McCarthy in the 1968 presidential primary. In the 54 years since, I really don't know of anything the DNC has done to make me more amenable to them, while knowing too much of everything they've done to alienate me.

It is said that The Party of Lincoln died, and is buried, with Honest Abe. It can also be said that the Party that FDR Built died, and is buried, with Franklin as well.

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They won't care until the old guard money stops flowing. THEN it will be a problem.

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As so ably pointed out by Saint Gore Vidal back in 1968.

RIP Saint Gore Vidal!

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"Racism won't have anything to do with it" when we hate all these other groups as well.

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