It's either a bot or the worst parody of a bot ever. I blocked it.

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Thank you for explaining it so well.

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Texit also.

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You left out that he's a misogynistic pig who named his group in homage to the perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide.

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It will be worse than you can imagine.

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To counter their "Democrat Party" stunt I refer to them as "Republans" --if we can't have our "ic" they can't either.What I call them most often now is Soviet Republicans.

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again, just as a reminder, bernie is not going to win this thing

jesus christ people.

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I was disappointed that Seth Myers didn't call Tapper on his gaslighting tonight. He's usually pretty good about telling the truth. I'm afraid that with Tapper, because they're apparently friends IRL, he succumbed to the ChuckToad credo: If I call them on their bullshit, they won't come back on my show.

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Until recently, I was also concerned about the socialist label brouhaha, but have come to the judgment that Bernie is a decent and honest man who deserves to be the Democratic nominee. And if we get behind him, he will beat the monster currently in the WH. I'm voting Bernie in the California primary to hopefully put an end to the dem in-fighting, fueled in part by Putin's interference. I would have liked Amy or Elizabeth, but dammit, they are not winning. Bernie is. And damned if Bloomberg buys the nomination: please, not another party switching rich guy from New York City.

Feeling the Bern!

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Yep. Tapper was on the show tonight? Ugh. I wish he had. I just watch The Closer Looks on YouTube. It was really good tonight. His James Carville was terrific! Completely incomprehensible.

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Agree. Also this primary system. And for that matter letting people who are not party members but just ‘registered’ which you don’t have to pay for, decide who the candidate is is so weird. It’s the primary system that makes the elections go on for so effing long.

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Try “Repugnant” Party. It kinda rolls off the tongue and fits to a “T”.

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This is whats wrong. A few days ago people were wary of Bernie. Now everyone is letting their guard down and accepting him.

Nothing has changed with who Bernie really is, but many fellow democrats forget that and will rally around the front runner, no matter who they are.

I will only vote for him if we make the mistake of nominating him.

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2/24/2020#Wattlegate: Is the President Digitally Touching Up His Neck? An Investigation


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Isn't "principled journalists" an Oxymoron? (asking for a friend)

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