Well, actually some people do cuddle their poultry, I understand that Silkie chickens are particularly friendly and cuddly. Then there are many species of parrot and cockatoo that enjoy hugging and petting and belly scratches.

But of course, like all pets, they have less than pristine toilet habits, which would be a lot to expect from animals whose brains are smaller than hazelnuts and who have no washcloths or even hands, poor things.

However, the top disease carrier in our homes, likely to transmit any number of bugs to their helpless keepers, still remains the adorable Homo toddlerensis, with their drooly mouths, sticky hands, and toilet habits somewhat less tidy than a raccoon.

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[...T]hey have less than pristine toilet habits, which would be a lot to expect from animals whose brains are smaller than hazelnuts....

Hey now, why change the subject to the Clown Car 16?

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See, the conservatives were right! First, gay marriage, now people making out with chickens!! When will it stop?!

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...maybe hemorrhoids from a Trump butt plug?

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...and Peter North, John Holmes.

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Crossing a rooster and a telephone pole?A thirty foot cock that wants to reach out and touch someone...

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Our abused farm friends...


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Is this you?

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No, but it sure as hell looks like my chicky! It could be his twin.

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Are we sure this isn't a reverse psychology message to the wingnuts to keep fucking that chicken?

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I know I will probably get made fun of but I have a pet chicken. I don't make out with her but she spends a lot of time on my shoulder nuzzling my hair. I know it sounds weird, but the darn thing comes running up to me when she sees me. She comes when I call her (better than my dogs actually) . She's the reason for my Wonkette handle and she has Facebook fans. So, go ahead, make fun of me, but Peggy Sue is off limits.

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It could be me except I'm a girl. And my chicken is black. And I wouldn't need a leash. Ok. Couldn't be me.

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Respected cinematic artists, both, except for Holmes who was drug-addicted mass murderer. But neither of the others actually achieved the RJ trick which, honestly, I would prefer never to have seen but it is out there.

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Erwin Schrodinger: The chicken doesn’t cross the road. Rather, it exists simultaneously on both sides…..just don’t peek.

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yeah, i'm speechless too.

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