How are you going to have a national standard for meth quality if you don't let NIST do their damn job and cook some decent-quality meth? Think about it, people.

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The answer is different if you are moving.

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That's gonna leave one helluva cutie mark.

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I'm not certain an uncertainty is the same as an unknown. I am certain that there are degrees of coincidency, certainly. Rumsfeld was certainly an asshat, uncoincidentally.

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He is still alive, also too. Another dead giveaway, so to speak.

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Is there going to be a list of drugs we can make at work?

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Ah resigning, the righteous way to keep your benefits package and not face being shitcanned.

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There's a way to do it with a microwave instead of open flame if that influences your decision in any way...

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High, if not at the very tip-top, on the list of Nerdiest Federal Agencies, stands the National Institute for Standards and Techmologies, making it probably the last place anyone would think of looking for a meth lab. In fact they probably compile that list.

What's less surprising that they had a meth lab is the fact they apparently have their own police, with officers up to and possibly above the rank of lieutenant. What are they policing—significant figures in computations? Incorrect number of atoms in a mole (it's 6.02 x 10²³ by the way)?

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Maroon also, too!

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Right. That's what took Dale down.

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And what is wrong with surfing porn all day on the taxpayer's dime?

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Dead guy in car for two weeks or gtfo

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I'm sure once he's apprehended and asked why he was cooking meth in a government lab the genius will reply with, "it was for work"

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He should've done something more sciency instead of plastic soda bottles...

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Actually, his union rep thinks he has a good shot at reinstatement and back pay.

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