WTF? 375+⁰ , 20 minutes, looks like I just put it in?

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Nov 23, 2023·edited Nov 23, 2023

2 lb cranberries

1 cup orange juice

1 cup water

2 cups sugar

Zest if you feel like it (I just used pulpy orange juice from a container because lazy)

1 teaspoon nutmeg

1/2 teaspoon salt

Dissolve sugar in liquid, bring to just before boil and add cranberries. Cook on medium heat until cranberries burst, then simmer for 10-15 minutes. Cool (or not) and serve.

I went a step further and used my immersion blender to make it smooth enough to pass through a piping tip and filled my pumpkin bread cupcakes.

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No booze?

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There are kids here

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Woah that bit using it as filling is a revelation!

Have a happy Thanksgiving

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I know! I discovered it basically by accident and I'm so psyched for people to try it

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OK, here's how to make cranberry-orange relish. Soak a cup of dates and one small (or half large) vanilla bean in pure water overnight. Grate the zest from three mandarin oranges right into the blender. Add dates, vanilla bean, and their soak water. Blend until you have a smooth paste. Add cinnamon, ginger, allspice, nutmeg (and mace and cardamom if you like). This is to taste, but a little goes a long way. Add mandarin sections, making sure you do not allow any pits. Add a bag of cranberries and a pinch of good salt (I use Himalayan) and pulse till it's all blended together. Chill.

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That sounds WONDERFUL.

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Every fall I go up in the mountains on Kodiak and pick as many “cranberries” (they’re actually lingonberries) as I can. It’s a slow process but I love it and I always end up with enough berries to make an extremely simple but flavorful sauce by boiling the berries in equal parts of sugar and water until it looks good. The taste, the color, the smell, all evoke the mountains from which the sauce originates. Sometimes when I’m in the midst of picking I’ll look up and catch sight of a big ol bear but that’s a story for another time.

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Ha ha. My husband refuses to taste it. Says the color is scary. It’s def a different mix of flavors.

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My SO was for this until you got to the pumpkin pie spice. He LOATHES it (mostly cuz you can't but trip over something flavored with that at this time of year). I might add a skosh of allspice, but not the whole kit and kaboodle.

PS - I wanted to check the spelling of 'skosh', and found out there is a restaurant in Waldport, OR of that name. Their menu looks amazing!

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Add walnuts if you are not allergic

And mebbe mandarin orange slices from the can?(my own twist if I were interested in assembling food items which I am not)

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I’m starting to see this as a chutney. Lots of room for creativity. And YUM.

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I make a Cranberry- Jalapeño Salsa recipe that’s very popular with family and friends. It is a bit more prep due to all the chopping involved but it is worth the effort!

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

Ah, there’s the pineapple one. So delicious! I am always making this for Thanksgiving.

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Ear worm time! 😂

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Yes! Time to blast it on high volume through the house and sing along line the crazy banana pants woman that I am while my children watch in horror. Holidays ❤️🦃❤️

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Ha - meta!

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

If you clean out the pineapple but leave it essentially whole, do you serve it in the pineapple carcass? Would it be better to cut the pineapple long ways leaving the leaves attached and then scoop out the guts leaving you with 2 festive pineapple bowls for serving ?

Something like this but with cranberry instead of chicken


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“Serve in pineapple carcass…” is definitely this holiday seasons’s most metal recipe instruction. <Wyld Stallyns guitar riff>

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You should toss your pineapple carcass into the ocean to provide habitat for sponges.

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Too acidic.

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A certain sponge by the name of Robert respectfully disagrees with you. 😂

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I don't know where I should be posting, but as I was writing up my grocery list, my Adult Friend called from his way to work. He's a rural Louisiana boy (who can't cook) and he's been craving sweet potatoes.

AF: If you're going to the store, how bout getting me some sweet potatoes?

Me: I already have some! I was going to bring you a sweet potato pie.

AF: Could you make it a casserole please?

Me: (googling recipes) Sure?

AF: With marshmallows?

Me: (falling to the floor in shock) Yes?

AF: Forget about fruit and nuts and shit. Just marshmallows. Don't mess with perfection is what I'm saying.

This guy works out three times a day and ingests no sugar or alcohol and limited carbs. It's like bringing a pork and cheese pie to the rabbi. I am dying from laughter but I did add mini marshmallows to my list. So, anyone got tips for sweet potato casserole that will make a Louisiana boy stop missing his mama?

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I make mashed sweet potatoes:

1lb sweet potatoes

1/2 cup of coconut milk

1 tbs grated fresh ginger

1sp cinnamon.

Measurements are included to give order of magnitude and not be precise amounts.

Make it like you would regular mashed potatoes. Peel, cube and boil the potatoes until they are soft. Then put it all in a bowl and mash it up. Its not sickeningly sweet like most sweet potato dishes which have added sugar and marshmallows (more sugar), but it is a bit sweet because sweet potatoes.

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I would roast the sweet potatoes for the carmelization, but other than that, it's good.

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Oh my goodness that sounds delicious, holy cow!! I make a soup like that and coconut milk with sweet potatoes is insanely toothsome. I think I will make that for me, thank you. Yum!!!

Our family recipe is sweet potatoes mashed with lime and maple syrup, dried apricots soaked in vermouth, and toasted sunflower seeds, a couple eggs, then baked. No one likes it but me. :-(

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I made this cranberry sauce last year, and it was such a big hit that Mrs. Chem demanded I make more of it over the weekend. We did Thanksgiving at a neighbor's and they never had cranberry sauce that wasn't in the shape of a can, and had absolutely no idea it could be this good.

Regarding this:

>>Cinnamon? Cloves? Vanilla? Nutmeg and ginger? Fuck it! #dowhatever

Allspice and/or cardamom work well here. I lean a bit towards cardamom, and it gives it a "fresh" taste, but I'm a big fan of cardamom in general and throw it in a lot of stuff.

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Cardamom is delicious, and anti-tumor.

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I do the recipe that NPR features every year. Sugar, raw cranberries, horse radish, onion and sour cream. The first time I made it I ate the entire batch right there and had to run out to buy more cranberries. I know it sounds disgusting but it’s great. I do cut back on the sugar, onions and sour cream - don’t like it so sweet and goopy. I think it’s the best side n the table.

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I tried that recipe, and NOBODY liked it.

PS - canned cranberry sauce is for sandwiches the day after T Day.

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Horse ... radish?

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

Unless you are a MAGAt in which case it is horse paste because "Fuck the scientific method!"

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

Did you say Horseradish? And our cream? One of us has been smoking something.

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I did! I forgot to mention that the horseradish needs to be fresh. The color is a shocking pepto pink. It’s the perfect combo of sweet/savory/tart/creamy. The shit is delicious!

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

Last year I converted my dear step-family, including my Beloved Mrs. Bz&Bz, to appreciating cranberry sauce. It was a hard press on my part so I made my regular/preferred fresh relish and a cooked sauce also too. Everyone is up for seconds this year, but no-one else had a preference, so fresh it is - to be made later today. Along with the sautéed almond stuffed dates for the soirée tonight.

But back to cranberries. Ginger. Hmmm. That would increase by 33% the ingredient list for my relish. Hmmm. I know! Why not both?! It’s TRA-DI-TION!! (In a raucous Zero Mostel call.)

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

At some point, my family decided that cranberry sauce dumped directly from the can, with the ridges still showing was something "we've always done" (we had literally never done that) and they insisted on doing this instead of the amazing chutney which /was/ the thing we'd always done.

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

The Can was the first half of my childhood, but then mom found a recipe and pulled out her blender. Ahh. Refreshing and bright in the midst of the heaviest savory meal of the year.

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Which is fine. If the Can is your tradition, you do you. But the point is They Made This Up. Pre-Can, we used to have conversations about how none of the Ur-families did this. It was just gaslighting. So bizarre.

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