Agencies aren't allowed to withhold aid because the "president" has a racist rage-boner over Puerto Ricans
FIFY. For outer-borough assholes of his generation who saw the first major migration of Puerto Ricans into NYC, they were considered worse than n----rs because they didn't always speak English.
Add to that the fact that he doesn't own any trash palaces on the island, and his sole venture into licensing his name to brand a golf resort failed hard.
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Name something that happened a week ago.
Agencies aren't allowed to withhold aid because the "president" has a racist rage-boner over Puerto Ricans
FIFY. For outer-borough assholes of his generation who saw the first major migration of Puerto Ricans into NYC, they were considered worse than n----rs because they didn't always speak English.
NEEDS MOAR GRIMDARK https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
For further cruel irony, consider that the Jones Act was 100 years old in 2017. This law gave U.S. citizenship to residents of Puerto Rico.
Happy birthday.
Don't they have bootstraps?
Build the wall! A sea wall.
Add to that the fact that he doesn't own any trash palaces on the island, and his sole venture into licensing his name to brand a golf resort failed hard.
How much will Puerto Rican politicians steal?
For the 2017 disaster, not the earthquake this month.
My sarcasm reflex was going to ask that very question. JHFC.
If only the Puerto Ricans had some dirt on Hunter Biden, they would've gotten their money a lot faster.
"We're not releasing disaster relief money to their government because their government is corrupt," says corrupt government.
It's hard to get money to a place surrounded by water! Won't anybody think of the ocean?...
Yeah, Trump gets to STFU and GTFO about corruption and nepotism forever and ever amen
And not just any water! Big water! So much water you couldn't even believe! More water than has ever surrounded any island, that I can tell you.
But he won't...
Okay, I get that it's a lot of water, but how is that big water in terms of wetness?