While the Jews may have invented guilt, the Catholics have turned it into a science.

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Don't think I won't cut you.

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<a href="http:\/\/abcnews.go.com\/blogs\/politics\/2012\/03\/police-intervene-arrest-ron-paul-backers-at-missouri-caucus\/" target="_blank">All hell broke loose at the Missouri caucus yesterday.</a>

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There's much more satisfaction in posting to wingnut sites, especially if you tag it with something like <a href="http:\/\/spreadingsantorum.com\/" target="_blank">Obama's birth certificate</a>, which you know the goobers will never click on.

Interestingly, I have just discovered that you can tag a link with a white space, like this one<a href="http:\/\/spreadingsantorum.com\/" target="_blank"> </a>. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some social calls to make.

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From Jason Linkins TV SoundOff at HuffPo (the only good thing ON HuffPo!) <i>Meanwhile, Puerto Rico votes today, and Santorum says that he'd make speaking English a requirement for statehood. [Jonathan] Karl says he knows no requirements. Santorum insists there are such requirements. Here's a question, what about the fact that Puerto Ricans are pretty much able to speak English anyway? English is a compulsory subject in school at all grade levels in Puerto Rico. Why bring it up? Santorum erected this condition, period.</i>

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Drudge hede: <b>ROMNEY WINS <i><b>51ST</b></i><b> STATE</b> </b> So suck it, Guam, Northern Marianas, and whatever-the-hell else we non-colonialists have in our big bag 'o land grabs!</b></b>

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Rick should have carried his "grits" strategy to PR. He totally would have won if he'd spent a little time talking about how much he likes eating plantains. Big, curvy, thick plantains.

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Can we trade Puerto Rico for Texas?That way we wouldn't have to change all those flags. Win win.

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See, Santorum's wins in Alabama and Mississippi had suggested to me that he had no problem with states that don't speak English.

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Way to scare the shit out of Illinois voters, Ricky!

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When they reported that two out of twenty-five Republicans voted for Santorum, they weren't talking about a ratio.

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It has nothing to do with the number of clicks (Google has no way of counting those), and everything to do with the number of links, so pasting the link everywhere you can is the way to keep Savage's page high in the rankings.

Google recently started ranking the "quality" of the linking sites as well, to beat back the weasels who sell links (on bullshit "link farm" websites, <a href="http:\/\/directory.sootle.com\/submit.html" target="_blank"> like this one</a> ) to other weasels willing to pay for artificially high ranking in Google searches. So if you're gonna post it, go with "reputable" sites. Wonkette probably doesn't qualify (and we're very proud of the fact), so shoot for major newspapers, newsmagazines, and blogs. Sprinkle it generously on the wingnut sites as well, just for the lulz.

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Oh, next you're going to say Michele Bachmann doesn't know what's she's talking about either!

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Puerto Rico gave Santorum 8%? That's rather generous, considering. Me, I'd have stiffed the guy.

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He said if he wins Illinois he'll get the nomination. So that'll be his next loss.

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