DOJ: derp dee poo whaddya gonna do

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Clearly, we must hire more white supremacist police officers to safeguard our democracy!

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I wonder if McConnell has considered the fact that he may have succeeded himself into irrelevancy.

I mean, a corrupt authoritarian right wing deliberately eroding democratic protections then being immediately overthrown by the wild fascists before they can properly take power? Who could have seen that coming? 9.9

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The positive side here is that the Big Lie never really had any "mainstream" traction, and in many ways, it's dwindling even in far right circles. There may not be any fewer people claiming to believe it, but at this point, the "base" is more preoccupied with anti vax conspiracism than anything Drumpf says.

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It doesn’t matter who the Republican candidate is - they’ll try to steal the elections no matter what.

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A lot of trouble for just one guy. Even tfg.

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He realizes that he can't compete with Trump. He makes his choices with that in mind.

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It looks like if we don't hold the House, Senate and Presidency through at least 2024 every one of TFG's co-conspirators (and TFG also too) will get off scot-free as the courts take their ever-loving time adjudicating each and every claim of exec priv and privacy and sovereign citizenship and whatever. As soon as the R's get in, poof they all go.

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I’ve never understood it. He’s just a pop-culture failed tycoon and reality show host who appears visibly diminished (and he was never the image of health to begin with) and who won’t be around forever. How many banks lost millions because of him? Who assumed the losses of his many bankruptcies? He hurts everyone, often especially the ones who are most loyal. Where is the incentive?

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My new book will be called, “The Crumbs of Corruption: Why So Many People Grovel for the Scraps from Trump’s Table.”

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They'll even go so far as to eat dirt (from a toxic waste dump, no less) rather than take a shot of proven effectiveness and safety.

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He tells them what they want to hear and hates everyone they hate. Nothing else matters to them. NOTHING.

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Trumpists are motivated by victimization but NOT by self-preservation, which is what makes them so dangerous. It's a suicide-bomber cult. They simply want their perceived enemies to suffer, even if they do as well.

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But...her emails.

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