We are making a non-cooked version of sort of thing tonight, but maybe this very one next year? or for New Year's Day, perhaps?

But in any case, I'd add one of our ingredients to this dish: freshly grated ginger, and lots of it.

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MMMM... Roast Cthulhu.

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But the stuff from a can makes such a neat little slice...

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it's a turducken, only not, and different!


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add manufacturing cream.

You're welcome.

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that is way heavy cream FYI

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It's definitely faster.


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My guess is somewhere between gooey and tarry. They pop right before they gel.

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This explains why we eat turkey at T'giving. Those are some weird-ass looking birds. Eating them is a MERCY.

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It'd be admirable if they weren't so reprehensible.

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Is this a good place to share an easy grown up sweet potato recipe? For those who aren't into marshmallows and actually like sweet potato's flavor?

Mashed sweet potatoesIngredients :For each largish sweet potato you'll need 1/4 cup yogurt and 1 tsp fresh grated ginger. Salt and pepper to taste (add these at the end and just taste after mixing)

1. Bake some sweet potatoes - wrap them in foil so they don't mess up the oven. 350 degrees until soft - around 40 minutes.2. Let the sweet potatoes cool so you can handle them. take off the skins and put them in a large bowl.

3. Add the yogurt and ginger and mash them up.4. Add salt and pepper to taste.5. Warm them up a bit before serving.

The yogurt adds moisture and lightens up the denseness of the sweet potatoes. Yogurt and ginger also seem to compliment the flavor.

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FECs (Future ex-congrssmen)

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'Oh, there's nothing wrong with it, we just think it tastes yucky. Why not have some delicious baby spinach instead?'

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10-15 minutes, he says at the start. (I think just ignore that "turn off the oven" bit. Why would you DO that on Thanksgiving?)

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Ms. Zippy made cranberry sauce for a recent club meeting. She does it the simple way, in a pot on the stove according to the directions on the bag.

She makes it plain, and also with a tablespoon or two of powdered Chipotle chiles. Yum!

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