Sigh. How much is "a box". How much is "a small wheel". How much is "a stick."

Things that "of course everyone knows" are not known to quite everyone.

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Rose_A6OUJkgT7m 5++

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A great miracle happened here! At Thanksgiving! I served 3 versions of mac n cheese (maybe 4, but I can't remember the 4th): store bought, Wonkette on pasta, and Wonkette on riced cauliflower (with requests for spiraled zucchini instead) for diabetics. Oh, and I made a low-carb bechamel sauce, also for diabetics. AND my son, for whom I served the store bought mush, said mine (well, Wonkette's) was the best. So for Christmas I have to serve only one version. As I said, a great miracle. Thank you, Wonkette!

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"Yodeling babby buttholes" is helluva name for a band. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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My thingy is a Kindle Oasis, with adjustable backlight, and I find reading on it more restful than reading a book. I still like books as well. For one thing, you can browse along a bookshelf more easily than in the Kindle catalogue. For another, you can get them cheaply in charity shops.

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Was he bringing this tribe some mac & cheese? Otherwise I fail to see the connection.

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More the Isar River, but yeah.

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"adventure tourist" v. "Christian missionary"

Let's take a poll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I have lived in New Mexico for over 30 years and I have become addicted to green chile. Green chile in macaroni and cheese is wonderful. Green chile in just about everything is wonderful. A local restaurant serves green chile turkey gravy.

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Tired eyes are the reason my preference has gone the other way: because of adjustable font sizes. Also, too, I never have to worry about finishing my current book when I'm out and about, without having the next one on hand to turn to. [ What? I do not have a problem, I can quit any time. Just let me finish one more chapter first... ]

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I'll try to find you here tomorrow and give you a hey-howdy and a hug, sugar!

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Friendsgiving is the best.

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Not sure how I'll putter through most of the day, but I'm planning on a lovely little meal-for-one of marinated lamb chops, green beans, and scalloped potatoes, with a nice pinto grigio, and chocolate chip cookies for dessert.

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I always knew he was kind of an asshole, but he was my asshole, know what I mean? I wasn't ever on the receiving end before. Mostly, the kids have his number, but they have a few blind spots.

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Well, the Earth is flat and there's no evidence for sentient life on it. Well, okay, dolphins, probably.

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