Meanwhile, in today's Counterpunch, that miserable asshole Ted Rall is bloviating on how it would have been worse if Hillary had been elected.

Counterpunch = Useful Idiots "R" Us.

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Uncle Joe was one of the best when it came to knocking 'em dead!

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The U.S. did have the Fairness Doctrine, which worked pretty well for quite a long time. Ditching it is what made Fucks Gnus possible.

Bringing it back would be pretty much impossible - today's GOP can't survive if their base doesn't get a steady diet of fake news.

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Yes except that it appears that 98% of Republicans do not have the sense god gave a goose and they won't see it as silly & obvious propaganda.

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Ted Rall! Slooowwly I turned... step by step...

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Jeez, I would say they have more serious black marks against them than that—like the fact that cofounder Alex Cockburn appeared to think, say, Paul Wellstone a more malign figure than Stalin.

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Niagara Ralls!

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Vincent D'Onofrio?

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Cockburn is a pompous ass

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Putin wont live forever but like many dictators before him he doesn't have any plan whatsoever for what will replace him

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You are not wrong, it's just Hunter's body was not even cold and they were pumping that out. I heard something similar on Fox later that week, which was bemusing.

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She knew too much.

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Don't forget the Vichy Republicans and Dear Leader Sycophants.

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...Paul Wellstone a more malign figure than Stalin. ... WTF???Are they some kind of pretend Trotskyites?

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Yeah, but isn't "Donovan" usually an Irish name? (but yes, the singer is Scottish)

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This is also how I feel; my point was that Counterpunch has been all-but-utter-dogshit for a LONG time.

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