Well, next was The Return of The King. D'uh!

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Her first name is PRESLEY!She is the mutant spawn of Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia!!!

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Actaully in the early days after 9/11 there were many looney leftists who claimed it was a put-up job so that Bush/Cheney would have an excuse to invade Iraq, never mind that Iraq had nothing to do with itIt's notable that there is a point in the political range such that it is clearly not a spectrum, but rather a circle where the extreme right and extreme left meet at a certaim point and have ideas and values in common.

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As long as there is a least an asparagus between them.

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Yeah, the horseshoe effect of political affiliations. The two ends of the horseshoe meet.And yes, in my mind 9/11 trutherism was associated with left-side currents., because Bush/Cheney.But it's a sample bias on my side: I met a number of French 9/11 truthers on a leftish French news blog (very akin to Wonkette, except that they unwisely allowed comments). As I was not interested in perusing far-right news sources, of course I didn't meet any truther on the right side of the spectrum.But really, I should have known better.

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Actually the Baptist split was over slavery not segregation

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I know from recent firsthand experience that Qanon belivers don't believe one conspiracy theory, they believe ALL of them. Even while some of the theories seem to contradict each other...

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"Sir, this is a dental office."

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I went to college with some seriously rich old money friends. One of them drove a hand-me-down full-sized station wagon. One drove a Chrysler minivan. You would never have known that they grew up in big mansions, because they never talked about their wealth. I was floored the first time I saw my friend's house. A dining room so big, it had two crystal chandeliers over the table! They were great, well-adjusted guys.

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You have to constantly denigrate the "libs" too. Just talking about your plans isn't enough.

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Ok but the one about Pärt, though, I think they might be on to something 😜

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I got to meet him when he came the first time to the US. He was rather saintly.

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Right? Show her National Treasure and convince her that Soros whitewashed all the baby eating out of the movie. She will never leave the capitol compound.

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Sigh. That "activating alien DNA by listening to techno" nonsense is the plot of an episode of The Outer Limits. https://theouterlimits.fand...

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I wish we could set up a group chat for all the family members to log in and LISTEN... why in ALL OF GODS CREATION would Vladimir Putin pretend that there is an ongoing pandemic to help Joe Biden? Why would Jair Bolsonaro pretend that there is an ongoing pandemic to help Joe Biden?

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