Her House. Her rules.Get over it.

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All three. Long ago.

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"A fine that is deducted from pay is a decrease in compensation."

HaHa, if that were true you could use it as a deduction on your taxes. Good luck with that, although I'm certain you'll try it.

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MTG better pay TFG the standard fee he has for someone using his patented, Trade Marked, and copyrighted forced fake smile.

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This is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen

and I'm sure you've seen some dumb shit in your day, Jamie. thank you for wading through the manure for us once again. you're doing the lord's work here.

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could someone please explain to me how wearing a mask is an "intrusion on bodily integrity"?

so, Halloween costumes that include masks are an intrusion on bodily integrity?

a motorcycle helmet is an intrusion on bodily integrity?

a ski mask is an intrusion on bodily integrity?

I could go on, but this is too very very stoopid.

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"The Thick Three" !

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Will somebody please sue MTG and crüe for infringing on the entire US of An’s right to freedom from The Dumbth? Makes as much sense and if we win no more hurted brians!

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Arguing just to argue. Morons.

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Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunfs! Sorry. They bring out the worst in me.

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"Congressman Massie, can you hear me? I'm Dr Squane, the surgeon who'll be doing your emergency quadruple bypass. I just wanted to let you know that the surgical team here are all in favor of your stand against mask-wearing, which is why we will all not be wearing one while we have your torso cut open. Just wanted to let you know, now take several deep breaths and count backwards from 27".

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The masking requirement was an attempt to prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, medicine, and science, despite a deep divide over these issues of opinion.

If by "a deep divide" they mean "a consensus of experts versus a handful of cranks," then they totally nailed it there.

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I really really hope the judge asks them if other types of body covering (clothes!) also affect "one's bodily integrity", and then tells them to GTFO with their stupids. Why are they so skeered of a little rectangle of breathable fabric?

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Pants are an intrusion on bodily integrity!

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MTG smiles like my horse when he wants polo mints, and somehow manages to be even more stupid than him (and he nearly strangled himself with his headcollar last week)

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