Um...my RL last name begins with "Q".


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For the last couple weeks, Ted Cruz has been leading the fight to get Antifa branded as a terrorist organization despite the fact that it isn't actually an organization. Trump himself has recently jumped on that train as well.


As ridiculous and poisonous as all the QAnon bullshit is, I actually don't think the vast majority of people involved with it are prone to doing any kind of "domestic terrorism." Their whole mantra is "trust the plan" — meaning that anything that happens, even if it seems really bad for them, is all part of Donald Trump's master plan. All they are supposed to do, they believe, is assist him with "research" and then sit back and "enjoy the show" when martial law is enacted and the mass arrests of everyone they've ever disliked begin. I would actually argue that the people who are most dangerous here are the ones who "lose their faith" in the face of Q's predictions not coming true and who then attempt to take things into their own hands.


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Pretty sure that the same applies to Qanon.

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Apropos of one of The Slacktivists most recent posts (Come back! Some of us miss you!), They Want To Believe!


They just can't comprehend that, to more cynical minds, they're merely Qanon fodder.

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It would appear that you had your head up your arse on your trips to "6 other countries" because you don't seem to have actually noticed or learnt anything.

So Christchurch was a "false flag"? Oh wait, I see that "false flag" is your answer to everything that does not support your preconceptions. Please carry on with your head firmly lodged - get back to me if you finally see "Q" up there.

BTW, congratulations on not being homeless. Do you have all your own teeth as well?

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Now you have to go to the camps

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These Qtwits are almost unbelievably fucking stupid.

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You are a delusional fool.

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That you stayed at the Holiday Inn in 6 other countries doesn't make you an expert... and the crap you've been drooling on here shows you to be a credulous moran.

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Wait... you became this stupid without alcohol?


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I don't have to. These nutjobs are quite capable of making themselves look like fools on their own.

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Oh you Qmorons are so fucking predictable, and so fucking desperate.

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Nuttier than the shit of a thousand squirrels.

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