"Most people cannot even handle the truth of what is coming out."

You're talking about the mole children, aren't you? The ones you lot believe are being rescued from tunnels under the ground and being treated in the makeshift hospital in Central Park and the ships docked on the east and west coasts? The tunnels that the military are, once the children are rescued from them, blowing up causing what us normies think are earthquakes in the last couple of weeks?

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Way to label something you never read and know nothing about as "mentally ill and or laughably gullible and stupid". Ignorance is your point of view then?

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It's crazy watching the sheep still worshipping their idols. Celebrities and politicians have literally been sacrificing children for years. Some of those kids are being saved right now. Hopefully when the sheeple wake up humanity won't let such evil take place.

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You're not wrong. The sheep just don't want to think. But people are waking up to Bill Gates right now, so that's a start.

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Yeah, not like it's literally classified as a neurotoxin or anything.

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So, absolutely no attempt to even guess what that shit on Ellen's shirt is? Lol. Your shilling sucks.

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What is your goal here? Mocking and deriding strangers is not going to mame this situation any better.

Your behavior will either accomplish nothing, or cause people to dig in their heels even more and go deeper into this conspiracy theory.

If you're doing something that's not worth doing, don't do it.

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Any person who brags that they "have been entertaining [them]selves during this period of confinement by watching the various videos celebrities are posting to social media" and who wonders "are the celebs okay?" is an idiot in my book.

Robyn, you're a shill for the elite. You have no life.

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If it's fake why talk about it? Why give it an ounce of advertisement and why insulting people who believe in it? If it's fake leave it alone and walk away. That's what people who believe things are fake do lol. Looking into it trying to debunk it continuously insulting people who believe in it, advertising it and continuously mentioning it are things someone who believes in it does.

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Like Religion you don't go to Church everyday and tell everyone it's full of crap. You sympathize with their tiny brains and walk away and care for them because you know they are ignorant. Going and calling them stupid and listing why they are dumb continuously over and over show's you're quite invested in them and what they think because it's a threat to your life. I'm using religion as an example but I'm right. You ignore what is fake and sympathize with those. Unless its real than you try to attack them. Which some people go to Churches to kill people because they feel connected to them somehow. That's how hate is developed. It's a relationship...

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Everyone here thinking this is fake is not proving with an inch of a doubt that they believe it is. They are spending a lot of their time trying to prove it's fake because it's obviously threatening to their reality/status quo. If you really want to prove this is fake don't write articles about it, ignore it like normal people. Unless of course you hate the truth. Than you would have to dedicate your life to trying to surpress it. Feels bad man. It's like all the debunking videos online. You can just smell truth when people get butthurt something is even minutely suggested that would force them to change their life. So they dedicate that life to trying to bring it down which they can't. Because it's truth. Feeble are those with small minds. How they knowest not their capabilities and ignorantly and arrogantly try to stop something with more right than them. Feels bad man. Clearly your upset about this. Maybe you should create a censorship company to satisfy your need for *fake news* lol. Seriously leave this stuff alone and walk away. If I read this article I'm listing you as a definite believer of this and a dangerous lunatic.

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If I came up to you and held a bible and said this is a bible you would basically try to stab me. That's your logic in this article. All these people are doing is saying something. If you want people to look at it as fake you definitely convinced me otherwise. This just gives me a massive amount of energy to look into it now. Name calling, idiot slamming. Repeatedly without proof of evidence besides an opinion. Man this reeks of truth. I don't even need to know if it's true or not. Just reading your article I can smell the truth. No one get's upset by lies to the point were they are trying to call the opposition repeatedly retards. Idiots only do that with truth. This I've learned from you guys. Thanks!

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Not to mention huffing sheep.

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This is more or less appropriate for anything from Q or Qanon Qultists:


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