Exactly. See also the "Cornerstone Speech" by the Confederate VP.

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I dig your since of vengeance.

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Did I say that? Did I even imply it? No, I did not.

I'm talking about this incident with this individual at this time. There are plenty of reprehensible people that are newsworthy. Some of them are even selling books. But this guy isn't one of them IMO. He should be on the gossip pages at this point. With all the things going on in the world right this very day, the idea that one second of a prime time news program is being used to promote his book tour is revolting to me.

Please don't take it personally

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That still doesn't answer my math question. Do the 'possibly persuaded' outnumber the 'finally turned off for good'?

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technically it's wednesday.

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There is ONE (1) joke in _Atlas Shrugged_.

"So what's the title of your new play?""No Skin Off Your Ass.""I beg your pardon?!?""No, that's the title."

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the birther campaign Trump started against America's last legitimately elected president.

All in all, I prefer the term “most recently legitimately elected President.” More awkward, less dire.

2020 doesn’t need help foreshadowing.

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His public presence - podcasts ,interviews etc . may not be funny ; may be criticized as overly earnest , but do not demonstrate any grandiosity . What is the evidence of his narcissism ?

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It's happening right before our eyes. We like to say "it couldn't happen here". But it can, it IS happening. Trump is saying out loud, all the time. And he's building a royal family, by involving all of his "adult" children, establishing a line of succession, or whatever. And a large percentage of his base will likely just hand him the crown, since what do you want instead, the libs? I believe we have a "cold" civil war at the moment. We may very well see a level of civil unrest post-election that could take us into a hot civil war. The GOP, and all of the bastards in congress that are letting him get away with this bullshit are traitors to our country's balance of power, the rule of law, and it just might end our great American experiment. All because of "winning". The United States has a LOT to lose, and it's quite real this time.

Okay, so I'm a little worked up. The sky is orange and purple and apocalyptically dark in the middle of the day. Our power was cut for two days to prevent more fires due to extreme wind and the potential for downed power lines. Covid-19 cases are spiking, also, too. It's insane, and I'm losing my shit. Let's all vote.

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Um. Artistic license?

(Jeez, I was in a cruddy mood earlier.)

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If there is gonna be a civil war (there's not), Drumpf won't have the military on his side.

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It looks like the upholstery from a 1979 Cadillac Brougham.

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They had to do something with them

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They idolize Drumpf because he hates the same people they do. And he makes a big show of sticking it to those people.

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Love ya, man, but please lighten up on Rachel. She's one of the best mainstream people we have.

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Like, I believe, everybody on Wonkette, I never for one second thought this maniac was joking when he said "Twelve more years" or when he said he thought being president for life like the President of China was a pretty good idea. He wants it. And he wants the absolute power he has claimed (falsely) that Article II of the U.S. constitution gives him. He's serious and November 3 is indeed America's last chance to stop him.

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