I don't think anyone is interested in Louis Gohmert's asparagus.

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Your honor, I must object. The MP in the plum dress punches like a girl.

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Gohmert's defense of his fellow vegetables is to be applauded, not ridiculed.

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"Well, I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president," [Gen. Wesley] Clark [US Army, Ret.] said.

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Needs moar video of The Gohmert to know if the shade Holder threw was a lovely purple or green hue of his asparagus face.

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Video clip of Holder/Louie^2, translated for our German-speaking friends:

Argelbargel, Spargelbargel.

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Purple and green? Watch yer step. Eggplant don't supplant asparagus.

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