I suppose one could comment something in regards to apples, trees, Faux news, and homeschooling..

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All rotten to the core?

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The military is now evenly split in its support of Trump. Normally Republicans have strong support from the military, but this clown can't even get the military to support him.

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They can't condemn it too loudly, because their base believes everything that the shooter believes even if they're not ready to cross the line into outright violence.

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Re-affirming their vows.

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Reality is a tough enough battle but claiming everything is opposite world and denying reality makes dealing with it all just about impossible.

Reality change, another beast that we must defeat.

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Bill Maher isn't a low-key Islamaphobe, he's just as bad as the gun range that banned Muslims. He can eat my entire fucking ass.

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I will never understand how offloading manufacturing jobs to sweatshops in foreign countries Makes America Great Again. Also, your son is fabulous.

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The scary possibility: Indiana is sending you their best people. Don't forget, ever since Mitch Daniels and Mike Pence gutted the state EPA and refused to enforce federal environmental laws, the Hoosiers have been breathing in some of the most polluted air in America. Those heavy metals attach themselves to the human brain and nervous system with ghastly consequences.

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Just like in WVA. They all said that mining was AWSOME. But when the start flat topping the mountains, ruining pristine landscapes and polluting wells and watersheds.

You can find some hard core GOP hunters in WVA that have the same environmental philosophy as the most radical Green Peace activist.

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Apparently Steve King thinks this is a joke. He thinks Civil War is a joke. He thinks mass murder is a joke. Steve is apparently one of those ammo-sexuals who has never been shot at. Maybe he had bone spurs.

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It looked to me like it was done accidentally but I had to stop reading.

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I remember the teafreaks telling us they were a majority of Americans just because they equated volume with numerical superiority.

Just because they have big mouths and are yelling all the time doesn't mean there are more of them. It just means they are too stupid not to advertise their ignorance.

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Keep in mind that the wing nuts think that if something sounds clever on a bumper sticker then it must also be good policy.

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Nothing. Not a goddamned thing.

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