An abandoned Creationist museum?I'll bring the crowbars and flashlights.

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... Equestrian-Americans...

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A phrase with a VERY interesting history, that.

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ESPECIALLY if it really isn't.

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'Step on it!''Wait a sec, I have to put my pant clips on!'

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Being from the northeast US, we had the misfortune of living in Pensacola from 2009 - 2013. We would take our dogs to the dog park at Roger Scott Complex near the airport. The majority of the dog owners there are white. Since we are white too, these people would always talk about how much they hate blacks and hate having a black President. There is a definite racial divide in Pensacola, all the whites live on the eastern side of Interstate 110, the blacks on the western side. There are many news items about Sheriff Morgan, most not good. I was so glad to move back to the northeast again.

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In fairness to people I know there, your characterization of the I-110 social divide isn't completely accurate. That said, you are correct that Pensacola is a living, breathing shit-hole of racism.

For all his faults - and there are many - Morgan is hands-down better than his predecessor. Of course, that's not saying much...Pensacola's Sheriff's and a majority of the deputies (and I know some) have been and will continue to be "good ol' boys".

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I had chaperoned a cub scout troop on a tour of the Pensacola Police Dept. A police officer was our guide. We were taken to Morgan's office, but he was out. The tour ended w/ the police officer telling the troop, that God was going to make one of them a police officer someday.

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That sounds about right.

I went to HS with the Chief - not a bad guy - and he's career LEO. He didn't have much good to say about ECSO, last time I saw him was at our 30th HS reunion.

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ANd now he is OUT OF A JOB and really going to be HARD PRESSED to find another. As he is a WALKING LIABILITY!!

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Skeltor is trying to. See $600M+ tax cut proposal.

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I have family there. They are too poor to be racists.

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Yeah, that one had me scrunching my forehead. It does have some basis in fact:


But through the magic of RickScottonomics, that could be turned into a massive shortfall, not to mention state bankruptcy:


It's a lucky thing that They the People put this guy in for a second term because if there is one thing that Rick Scott has experience with it is bankrupting stuff.

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She seems like an oily individual.

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I just applied for a job in Florida (it's kind of my dream job too, except it's in Florida). So I guess Mah Wonkette's advice for if I should move to Florida is never need a government safety net, don't have major health problems, don't live near a place that the sea will sooner or later try to reclaim, don't try asking a stranger for directions or anything else that might arouse the justified suspicions of a sovereign citizen, and don't be black (I got that one covered!).

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