I can relate. Amazon keeps recommending wing-nut best sellers to me because I used their site to get a picture of Palin's book cover for photoshop purposes.

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<a href="http:\/\/sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net\/hphotos-ak-ash2\/hs112.ash2\/38960_141420135880556_100000377127280_305267_5908512_n.jpg" target="_blank">Fuck Chrome.</a>

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Thanks for that.

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Wacist whants weally wawwant wedundant widicule.

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I heard a rumor that Andy B once snorted coke out of a gay hookers behind because he was told it was a sure fire way to lose weight.

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If it's on the internet, it's true. I heard that Andy B was kicked out of Overeaters' Anonymous for sitting in the back row at meetings and jerking off into Pepperoni and Cheese HotPockets.

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that was harsh of OA...Andy B was just in the wrong meeting. He thought he was in Sex and Love Addiction Anonymous and mistakenly believed he had to establish his bona fides.

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At some point this is going to get so horrible that someone will have to yell, "The Aristocrats!"

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Obviously the ZOG does not have its tentacles in this young mind. (Disclaimer: dunno what what he swedd after 0:55.)

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Well, "El" is god in Hebrew so "joke-el" is Obama.

But it could be he's swaying "Joe Kell", who went to my high school and majored in smoking weed.

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Robert Byrd & KKK is like the new "some of my best friends are colored, but...".

It's nice that people change their minds and their hearts. What an awful world it would be if everyone's beliefs were set in stone at birth.

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"The Andrew Show" is brought to you by the number 88 and the letters KKK. Stay tuned for "Kill the Jews", followed by "Kill the Colored", and later "The Glenn Beck Show".

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also this was not artful: stilted, pedantic, unclear narrative line, sloppy camera work. the dog is an absurb distraction that serves no purpose while the ghastly violin is more reflective of beckett or - dare i say? - bergman than a political statement.

if 'whitepridetv' wants to be either, it needs to do better than 'andrew'.

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I should call just to listen if they are mouth breathers are not.

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Hey the kid has an ear, I tells ya! He played that one note out of tune, and then adjusted it like an ar-teest! A real, honest to god AR-TEEST!

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I whink Bwistol whould whmake a gweat fwuck buddy. Iw pwomise two nwot gwo upwet stwairs Musses Pwalin and bwut fwuck wyour dwaughter. Her hwass is pwetty big. Whill I bwe on dwa teeveee on Sundway? Iwill make wher dance with wall the da stwars.

Where did this spawn on Satan come from?

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