Tom KKKotton is what happens when you have too much earwax. You can not talk about 42 without talking about the facts of why there was a color barrier. Jim KKKrow was not some brand of whiskey.

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That thought -I.e., aren’t good enough often associated with lack of mental or physical skills—has permeated many sports.A classic example is track. If you’re old enough, you remember when black runners supposedly couldn’t compete in distance races because they lacked stamina. Or black swimmers couldn’t swim because of problems with their feet or worse their fear of water.Or black golfers didn’t have the mental discipline to compete for `18 holes. Black tennis players would wilt under pressure.Myths die hard. Witness the still adhered to sentiments that discriminate against black baseball managers, football coaches, (until fairly recently) black quarterbacks).Much progress has been made. But there’s obviously still a long way to go.

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Donal Trump like to mention that a lot.

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"Under God" was 1954, so ten years later school kids were graduating having said that for a while. "In God we trust" - 1956 - same story. More god in government.

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*Hear, hear.

And, let's meet in the middle to show we are adults who are open to compromise:

Tom Cotton needs to keep Jackie Robinson's name outta his racist fucking mouth.

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Tom Cotton needs to have Jackie Robinson’s name slapped out of his mouth.I said it. Might get me banhammered but it felt great. https://media0.giphy.com/me...

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A majority of seven million votes in the last presidential election was a clear indication of unpopularity and failure brought on by bad messaging, right? Or wrong?

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Tom Cotton: will make this insipid tweet, would ban students from watching the great Chadwick Boseman film 42.

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The military could have done this several years before, basically after Brown vs. Board of Education. They should have. Instead, they waited until the pressure to desegregate had been ramped up in the state. However, I will give them this: once a guy high enough in the command decided to fix the problem, it got fixed. Immediately.

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You are correct. I was thinking about a later period, some 20 years later. My fault. I like to play the old lady card in situations like this.

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As lawyer Max Kennerly noted, Cotton references the "color barrier” Robinson broke without acknowledging the institutional racism that erected it. Cotton, like most conservatives, promotes the white supremacist American myth that the first member of a marginalized group to make a significant achievement was the first who deserved it. But Black baseball players weren’t cluelessly holding their bats from the wrong end before Jackie Robinson came along.

A) Satchel Page and many others would like a word with Tom Cotton.

B) If only someone, maybe at a law school, could come up with a theory that explained why people like Tom Cotton continue to act in a racist manner while claiming they are not. Some sort of theory dealing with race. Who would object to that?

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The Goldwater delegates at the '64 RNC also heckled and booed NY gov. Nelson Rockefeller when he took the convention stage to offer a pro-civil rights plank to the GOP platform. It was an ugly crowd.

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Brain dead.

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How dare Tom Cotton ever have the name Jackie Robinson within 100 yards of his filthy mouth.

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"I want to say this about my state: When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years, either." -- Trent Lott

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