Raw Story did an entire article about her with all of her info. Also someone built an everipedia page about her. That kitty is loose.

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Hmmm. . . you're giving me ideas. My mother did teach me to knit and crochet, but I'm out of practice. I wish she was here, I could say "Mom, knit me a few garottes" and she would do it in record time.

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My time in customer service convinced me that customers who were the biggest assholes with the biggest problems were usually the sole source of those problems.

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I admire you for enduring what you have had to (and your son perhaps even more.) I have an autistic cousin and an autistic uncle and what you tell about your son is appallingly close to what they say about their own experiences. I sympathize a great deal with you. As you can see, I removed my post. However, I couldn't disagree more about 'when they go low, we go high.' Pretty words which have resulted in our current catastrophe: Clinton went high every time, dRUMPf to the lowest of the low--and he 'won.' Obama went 'high,' the Rethugs 'low'--and we lost not only the possibility of single-payer health care, not only a Supreme Court appointment which may result in this becoming, literally, a completely fascist country, but possibly Clinton's chance at the Presidency due to the felonious interference of Comey--whom Obama, shockingly, appointed in some dreadful attempt at 'conciliation.' Such slogans are now literally going to be our destruction unless we change them utterly. The Democrats must become the Party of NO for at least the next four years. And this woman did not have a 'spectacular lapse in judgment'--very much the reverse. her inner sociopath has been completely released (shudder) by dRUMPf's victory, and 'nice' behavior towards her and her ilk is exactly what enables this sort of atrocity to flourish. Without very *serious* negative social sanctions, as another poster puts it, nothing about the creatures on the Delta flight or in the Michael's store will change; in fact, their behavior will only worsen, as has been the case every day since this horrendous 'election.'

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I hear you...

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Yeah I don't approve of doxxing anyone ever under any circumstances, but in this case that horse is well out of that barn.

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Au contraire. Seeing behaviour like this is MORE reason to go to that Michaels and lending those good staff your support AND your business.

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I'd be curious to know the outcome. Was she led away by police? I never hear the follow-up, unfortunately. If there is one...

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I'm having a difficult time disagreeing with you! You have no idea how much rage I've had to work through.

You could very well be right. Which is horrible.

I personally believe that doxxing has made that woman a martyr, which may have been her goal.

Thank you for helping me to understand your point of view.

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That's kind of the Republican way, innit? Incapable of empathy until it happens to them. And at that point, it's not even empathy, just self-interest.

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This is a complicated issue. It's one thing to share, for example, this woman's Facebook or Twit addresses (if she has them) and quite another to post her home address or phone. If her name is on her hypothetical Facebook page, that sharing is on her (I would post the page address but not her name - anything personal that's on her page is her responsibility).

Similarly, it's one thing to post a public figure's public information and another to post that individual's private data. If a politician does something reprehensible, share his office contacts (phone, email) but leave the home and family stuff out of it.

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Never mind, found it.

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My Middle School English teacher would not allow us to use 'guy' because it was considered slang (1970s). Using it during a book report was a sure way to get her off topic and ranting in the middle of class. My English PHD friend in college assured me that 'guy' is gender neutral. there can be girl 'guys' and boy 'guys'. That has been my rule of thumb since.

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