TWICE!!!!!!!!!! Thank FSM for term limits or LePage would STILL be governor.

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I have no interest in seeing Green Book, but "Aragorn Drives a Black Guy Around Mordor" sounds appealing.

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Well, and also because she was essentially Russian-funded and also kept all the recount money.

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As we were just saying


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They can't just stop and take a break even for a weekend. Always up to some trash

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All of this. We want ALL the covfefe, and ALL the hamberders too.

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I was driving behind a car yesterday whose VT license plate read COVFEFE.

I laughed in spite of myself.

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I'd prefer there not be quiet parts at all, but what do I know, I'm just a dirty Liebrul.

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As White Americans!!@!! as Chinese teenagers get, I suppose.

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South Korea doesn't want Pence to stand firm with South Korea.

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Conservatives are so afraid of Venezuela.I actually disagree with you there, SR. It's a strawman, and a political prop, just like unborn babbies.

Bad-faith arguments all around.

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I'm actually okay with the quiet parts. People are going to think what they think. But by making acceptable not just to hold racist viewpoints, but to avow them, and worse, act on them, without shame, and then worse to blame their own shame on the righteous people who call them out, this is where we've gone so wrong.

People used to keep that shit to themselves because they were ashamed, and rightly so. And they knew it. And now the pervasive corruption has made a bargain--we'll let you hate, if you'll let us steal. And those fuckers all bought it.

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I was implicitly saying I also prefer people not "think what they think" because enlightened society that joins hands singing "Kumbaya", but I do agree with you on a realistic sense.

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In my lifetime, there have been several presidents from less populous states. Bill Clinton is from that bastion of liberalism, Arkansas. Gerald Ford was from Michigan. Jimmy Carter, Georgia. Barack Obama, Illinois (well, Chicago is a big city.) People from smaller states can certainly be elected. Thanks for playing, LePage.

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A war? Oh-oh, Spaghetti-O!

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