I would say that it certainly was, although it looked very different than how we do it today. Obviously Puritan New England had a bias against it, banning celebrating it for a while in the 17th century.
Wouldn't it be funny if the Pastor at Bess' church was actually a Christian and somehow worked "the lovingkindness of our Savior" into his Sermon, along with a jab at how wrong it might be to yell at people about their race or for feeding their children in the checkout line at JC Penney, or anywhere else, for that matter?
It's unfortunate that "Bess" looks like a thousand other old white racist ladies, because I'd hate to be judgmental of old white ladies with bad hairdos and worse posture. Many days I could be included in that description.
WTF with the grammar in that "learn more" window up there?! "Does a shopping mall banning a person for life over a verbal rant justifiable?" Randomly generated headline?
Yep, that's the general idea.
If you want a smile that will light up the universe, just watch a hijabi's face when some gentile greets her like that.
All he wants for Christmas is gravity.*
*(Photo is sideways where I'm looking at it)
Mary, what happened? I thought that you were making more money than that! You must be a very subpar hooker!!!
I would say that it certainly was, although it looked very different than how we do it today. Obviously Puritan New England had a bias against it, banning celebrating it for a while in the 17th century.
The should act like her which means that we would be letting in every shouty asshole on earth.
'Murrican version.
Odds this woman is currently living off a disability check for obesity mixed with diabetes= 98.6732 percent
Yep. Again, one of the reasons I think he was a rad president, but not a dude I'd like to hang out with.
Why doesn't "Bess" understand that those ladies were lining up to pay 6% Sales Tax on everything they bought, so they're paying for Bess' shit, too?
Wouldn't it be funny if the Pastor at Bess' church was actually a Christian and somehow worked "the lovingkindness of our Savior" into his Sermon, along with a jab at how wrong it might be to yell at people about their race or for feeding their children in the checkout line at JC Penney, or anywhere else, for that matter?
It's unfortunate that "Bess" looks like a thousand other old white racist ladies, because I'd hate to be judgmental of old white ladies with bad hairdos and worse posture. Many days I could be included in that description.
and look exactly like we know Jesus looked! /s
"Youre white, you dont have a fuquing clue."
You're replying to a comment about a racist incident with an equally racist comment? - WTF?!!
I've wondered that about Trump.
WTF with the grammar in that "learn more" window up there?! "Does a shopping mall banning a person for life over a verbal rant justifiable?" Randomly generated headline?
The white Jesus that spoke perfect English, not that brown one that spoke Desert.