Great! That'll help a lot!

i don't do spells with spiders. I stay away from the dark arts stuff...

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Hemorrhoids heating up? Try the soothing pleasure of CoolOff! The first liquid nitrogen hemorrhoid treatment system…

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Agreed. I thought we knew better here.

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...and then it went into the net!

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ahem, must we repeat:IOKIYAR

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I lived in a precinct in NW Austin that was like that. They thought they had gerrymandered a safe R, but about a week before the 2000 election, polls showed their state rep guy - Jack Stick, how's that for a name? - was behind. They scrambled, push-polls mostly, and failed. You're welcome, Mark Strama!

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Obviously, Satan would be Jesus' lawyer and the pharisees would be expert witnesses. Satan would probably not accept service by notice and acknowledgment and you'd have to do service by publication but when you get the judgment, a nail and mail on St. Peter's basilica would be the only acceptable service in the eyes of the courts.

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Let the white Russians flow! May your pipes never clog and may you never accidentally burn your eyebrows trying to light that last little bit of a roach which you can actually hold in your asbestos fingers because determined.

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Well there's always newts and stump water...

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Americans in general are somewhat anal retentive. When I lived in Spain 40 years ago, men thought nothing of urinating in public, and I saw many young mothers letting their toddlers urinate AND defecate on city streets. This was because there were no public restrooms. Nobody thought anything of it. Look at the fuss they make in the US about breast feeding in public! Elsewhere in the world this is perfectly normal behavior.

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That's been driving me crazy. No one seems to ask (non-fundie) cis chicks if we freaking care. I do not mind who tinkles, as long as they don't sprinkle.

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You are correct.

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I'm with you, girlfriend. My ONLY concern about transgender folks using the women's bathroom is that I have never yet met a man who has good aim. Public restrooms are already not very clean, because a lot of women are apparently pigs as well. This is a major issue for me because I'm old now and have to pee more often in public places. I remember when I lived in a college dorm 40+ years ago - some of the rich girls left blood all over the toilet seat and floor and didn't clean up after themselves. Things have deteriorated since then, so the last thing we need is even more mess in public bathrooms. Other than that, however, It is a non-issue for me.

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I was thinking more like DXM and Sterno.

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Good choice!

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