Actually, it could be a negative exponent. Or zero.

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With the trustworthy backing of Darth, Rummy, Yoo...

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The concern is that "readiness" has taken a hit. The button-pushers have to tear their attention away from all the sexytimes long enough to flip the switches, and this is a brand new dilemma.

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Shit, I always forget about the bear problem, that explains why they are always lurking about when I'm with the GF.

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Like all wingnut commentators she is paid to be wrong. But even if she wasn't paid to be wrong she’d still get it wrong.

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I do long for the days of a manlier Navy, that could produce such classics as this: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watc..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsKbwR7WXN4">http://www.youtube.com/watc...

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is this another ghey joke?

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lots of practice

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And then she changed her name back to Alotta Rios.

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"This is the reason why I think we have to be concerned about going into Syria because the people that we're looking at to lead us are untrustworthy people."

It's true. We should also have had George W. Bush kill Bin Laden. He was much more trustworthy.

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Shouldn’t she be having babies instead of thinking about missiles?

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So all the women soldiers are pregnant (in exponential numbers) and teh gheys have taken over the entire military. Good to know- I guess this means the next set of joint operations exercises will take place at Bed, Bath and Beyond...

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You see, all teh wimmen soldiers release their thousands of eggs into the current and the man soldiers, after dispatching teh ghey soldiers, swim down stream and fertilize those eggs. They then attach themselves to the sides of battleships like so many barnacles where they grow into brand spanking new soldier babbies, assuming they aren't eaten by sharks or or picked off by seagulls in the meantime

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ask the Duggars

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that's the thing that pisses me off the most- the way they will shit all over the troops they normally claim to adore, just to take a cheap shot at a Dem

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